@ARTICLE{Tomczuk_Bronisław_The_2013, author={Tomczuk, Bronisław and Wajnert, Dawid}, volume={vol. 62}, number={No 2 June}, pages={209-215}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This paper presents an analysis of the stator teeth geometry impact on the parameters of the 8-pole radial magnetic bearing. In this paper, such parameters as current gain and position stiffness have been analysed. Additionally, we have proposed criteria for evaluating the characteristics of these parameters by calculating the variability of current gain and position stiffness. The research has been performed by solving the magnetic bearing actuator boundary problem using the finite element method. Magnetic force has been calculated using the Maxwell stress tensor method. Other parameters, such as current gain and position stiffness have been calculated as partial derivate of the force with respect to control current and position of the rotor.}, title={The influence of the stator geometry on magnetic bearing parameters}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/84774/PDF/02_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/aee-2013-0016}, keywords={parameters of active magnetic bearing, FEM method}, }