@ARTICLE{Mazek_Kacper_A_2013, author={Mazek, Kacper and Chmiel, Mirosław and Kulisz, Józef}, volume={vol. 62}, number={No 2 June}, pages={307-320}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper describes a prototype operator panel, which was designed to operate with the S7-200 family of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC-s) from Siemens. Most of the functionality of the operator panel was implemented in a computer program, which runs on a PC-class computer. The program communicates with a PLC through its communication port configured in the Freeport mode. Two kinds of interface between the PC, and the PLC are supported: wired, and wireless. For wired connection a standard PC/PPI cable supplied by Siemens is used. For wireless connection two communication modules were designed, which operate in the free 433 MHz band. The operator panel program is intuitive, and easy to use. States of PLC inputs and outputs are presented using graphical objects. It is possible to modify states of the outputs, and monitor and edit any variable in the M and V memory in the PLC. The application supports also alarming. The program can be run on any computer with the MS Windows operating system installed. This makes the solution very cost-effective. Providing both wired and wireless communication radically increases flexibility of the proposed solution. The panel can be quickly mounted in areas, where pulling new cables is inconvenient, difficult or expensive.}, title={A PC-based operator and diagnostic panel for Simatic S7-200 programmable controllers}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/84800/PDF/10_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/aee-2013-0024}, keywords={operator panel, human machine interface (HMI), programmable logic controller (PLC), wireless communication, microprocessor system}, }