@ARTICLE{Löffler_Christoph_Modular_2015, author={Löffler, Christoph and Canders, Wolf-Rüdiger}, volume={vol. 64}, number={No 4 December}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, pages={641-654}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={In intra-enterprise logistics and automation of manufacturing processes general a rising productivity by high flexibility is required. Existing transportation systems exclusively use two-dimensional track sections, because they can be served with standard drives. Because of these simple structures the transport speed is limited and thereby also the throughput. In this paper now a modular transportation system is presented which could reach higher speeds with a direct drive and the use of centrifugal force compensating curves. Simultaneously the system also can change the altitude. All this succeeds with the integration of three-dimensional track sections. Therefore a two piped guiding system with a long stator linear motor was designed. To combine the linear motor with the three dimensional track special stator elements were developed which allow a bending of the stator to follow the route course. The current work deals with the implementation of a mechanical passive switch, which is operated by the electromagnetic forces of the linear motor. So no additional mechanical actors or a separate electromagnetic system are necessary.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Modular transportation system with a three dimensional routeing}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/85157/PDF/10_paper.pdf}, doi={10.1515/aee-2015-0048}, keywords={3D-Linear Motor, passive switch, Steep turn, logistic, modular transportation system}, }