@ARTICLE{Skubała_Kaja_Vascular_2011, author={Skubała, Kaja}, volume={vol. 37}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2011}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper presents results of floristic investigation conducted within the territory of post-industrial spoil heaps connected with zinc and lead products manufacturing. The flora of specific technogenic habitats was analyzed with regard to geographical-historical groups and syntaxonomic classification. For each species, the following characteristics were determined: a life form according to the classification of Raunkiaer, means of seed spreading and types of mycorrhiza for each species based on the literature. On the two heaps, a total of 257 species of vascular plants belonging to 59 families were found. Only 92 species occurred on both sites, which is 36% of all plants recorded. The most numerous families are: Asteraceae (45 species) and Poaceae (28 species). Apophytes dominate in the flora of spoil heaps (70.9%). Hemicryptophytes are the most numerous group and therophytes are also abundant. Ruderal (belonging to Artemisietea vulgaris and Stelarietea mediae) and meadow species (belonging to Molino-Arrhenatheretea) dominate on both post-industrial dumps. Xerothermal species (belonging to Festuco-Brometea) are also fairly numerous (6.7%). Their presence is related to the specific habitat conditions. The anemochoric species dominate in the flora of dumps. The high proportion of mycorrhizal plants was recorded. Finally, reclamation interventions which were carried out on the H2 spoil heap are discussed.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Vascular Flora of Sites Contaminated with Heavy Metals on the Expample of Two Post-Industrial Spoil Heaps Connected with Manufacturing of Zinc and Lead Products in Upper Silesia}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/85433/mainfile.pdf}, keywords={post--industrial spoil heaps, spontaneous vascular flora, heavy metal, reclamation, Mining and Smelting Works "Orzeł Biały"}, }