@ARTICLE{Rajca_M._The_2012, author={Rajca, M.}, volume={vol. 38}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The study of the effectiveness of the removal of anionic natural organic matter (fulvic acids-FA and humic acids-HA) and inorganic anions (F-, Br-, NO3-) in MIEX®DOC process was performed. The influence of physico-chemical parameters of feed water on the process performance was investigated. The ion exchange process was carried out using strongly basic, macroporous polystyrene resin MIEX® by Orica Watercare. The synthetic feed waters differ in composition, i.e. concentration of FA and HA (ca. 6 and 12 mg/L), anions content (F-, Br-, NO3-) and of various alkalinity (ca. 20 and 120 mg/L as CaCO3) were used. The study confirmed the possibility of application of MIEX®DOC process for removal of anionic contaminants from water. It also showed the significant impact of feed water parameters on the process effectiveness. Moreover, the strong dependence of anions (F-, Br-, NO3-) removal, FA and HA concentration on the resin dose was revealed.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Influence of Selected Factors on the Removal of Anionic Contaminants from Water by Means of Ion Exchange MIEX®DOC Process}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/85712/PDF/10265-Volume38-Issue1_10-paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10265-012-0010-z}, keywords={ion exchange, MIEX®DOC process, fulvic and humic acids removal, anions removal}, }