@ARTICLE{Miler_Antoni_T._Variability_2015, author={Miler, Antoni T.}, volume={vol. 41}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The data set of the Warta discharges in Poznań (Poland) is one of the largest in the world as the daily observations of river stages have been conducted without interruptions since January, 1st, 1822. The Poznań measurement profile is situated in the 243.6 km and closes the catchment area of approximately 25 thousand square kilometers. The data used as the input in the paper were daily values of the Warta discharges in Poznań in the years 1822-2012. The climate in Poznań, a city situated in the centre of the Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) region, is relatively stable (Miler et al. 2005). Also the Warta River runoff shows considerable stability, especially in terms of mean annual values. Short-term trends are random in character. It was found that the Jeziorsko reservoir (total storage volume of 203 000 000 m3, officially put to use on September, 9th, 1987) significantly reduced daily variability of the flows and reduced peak discharge of the flood wave in the summer of 1997 on the Warta River at Poznań. The calculated periodogram for mean annual discharges of the Warta River in Poznań shows that there are main periodicities of ca. 10 year lengths. The research of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (WIOŚ) in Poznań shows a gradual improvement of water quality in the Warta River in Poznań.}, title={Variability of the Warta River water discharge in the city of Poznań as influenced by the Jeziorsko reservoir / Zmienność przepływów rzeki Warty w Poznaniu w aspekcie eksploatacji zbiornika Jeziorsko}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/86082/PDF/10265-Volume41-Issue3_paper_07.pdf}, doi={10.1515/aep-2015-0030}, keywords={Warta River, variability of water discharge, water quality}, }