@ARTICLE{Szulikowski_Jerzy_Directional_2015, author={Szulikowski, Jerzy and Kateusz, Przemysław}, volume={vol. 41}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Manual measurements of distribution of gas velocity in conduits of flue gas installations using systems with differential pressure sensors of velocity are often performed for the requirements of determining emissions of dust pollutants from industrial process plants to the atmosphere. The aim is to determine an axial velocity profile. Flows in measuring sections are not always coaxial along the run of the duct; they are characterized by different directions of the velocity vector at various measuring points. The determination of actual directions of vectors of local velocities giving a guarantee of an accurate calculation of the axial velocity is often not possible from the technical point of view and the measurement of the velocity is carried out with the parallel setting of the sensor head in relation to the axis and the walls of the conduit. Then the knowledge of the directional sensitivity of the applied velocity sensor allows either to eliminate the axial velocity measurement error or to take it into account by the uncertainty of this measurement. For specific situations of two-dimensional variation of direction of the velocity vector, the directional sensitivity characteristics and in consequence the characteristics of error have been determined for three sensors adopted to tests: a zero pressure dust sampling probe with the anemometric function as an element of the gravimetric dust sampler and comparatively - two commonly used Pitot tubes: types S and L.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Directional sensitivity of differential pressure sensors of gas velocity used in manual gravimetric measurements of dust emissions from stationary sources / Czułość kierunkowa różnicowo-ciśnieniowych czujników prędkości gazu stosowanych w manualnych pomiarach grawimetrycznych emisji zanieczyszczeń pyłowych ze źródeł stacjonarnych}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/86094/PDF/10265-Volume41-Issue3_paper_11.pdf}, doi={10.1515/aep-2015-0023}, keywords={directional sensitivity, differential pressure sensors of gas velocity, flue gas velocity measurements, dust emission measurements, Pitot tubes, zero pressure dust sampling probe}, }