@ARTICLE{Bonisławska_Małgorzata_The_2016, author={Bonisławska, Małgorzata and Nędzarek, Arkadiusz and Drost, Arkadiusz and Rybczyk, Agnieszka and Tórz, Agnieszka}, volume={vol. 42}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The aim of the study was to analyze and assess the possibility of using a two-stage filtration system with ceramic membranes: a 3-tube module with 1.0 kDa cut-off (1st stage) and a one-tube module with 0.45 kDa cut-off (2nd stage) for treating effluent water from a juvenile African catfish aquaculture. The study revealed that during the 1st filtration stage of the effluent water, the highest degrees of retention were obtained with respect to: suspended solids SS (rejection coefficient RI=100%), turbidity (RI=99.40%), total iron (RI=89.20%), BOD5 (RI=76.0%), nitrite nitrogen (RI=62.30%), and CODCr (RI=41.74%). The 2nd filtration stage resulted in a lower reduction degree of the tested indicators in comparison to the 1st filtration stage. At the 2nd stage, the highest values of the rejection coefficient were noted in for the total iron content (RIV=100%), CODCr (RIV=59.52%; RV=64.28%, RVI=63.49%) and turbidity (RIV and RV = 45.0%, RVI=50.0%). The obtained results indicate that ceramic membranes (with 1.0 and 0.45 kDa cut-offs) may be used in recirculation aquaculture systems as one of the stages of effluent water treatment.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The application of ceramic membranes for treating effluent water from closed-circuit fish farming}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/86172/PDF/aep-2016-0012.pdf}, doi={10.1515/aep-2016-0012}, keywords={Membrane filtration, fish farming, African catfish, water treatment}, }