@ARTICLE{Guzik_E._Modern_2012, author={Guzik, E. and Wierzchowski, D.}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The results of studies on the use of modern two cored wires injection method for production of nodular graphite cast iron with use of unique implementation of drum ladle as a treatment/ transport and casting ladle instead vertical treatment ladle was described. The injection of length of Ø 9mm wires, cored: in FeSi + Mg nodulariser mixture and inoculant master alloy is a treatment method which can be used to produce iron melted in coreless induction furnace. This paper describes the results of using this method for possibility production of ductile iron under specific industrial conditions. In this case was taken ductile iron with material designation: EN-GJS-450- 10 Grade according PN-EN 1563:2000. Microstructure of 28 trials was controlled on internally used sample which has been correlated with standard sample before. The paper presents typical metallic matrix and graphite characteristic. Additionally, mechanical properties were checked in one experiment. Because of further possibility treatment temperature reduction only the rough magnesium recovery and cost of this new method are given.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Modern Cored Wire Injection 2PE-9 Method in the Production of Ductile Iron}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/86380/PDF/05_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10266-012-0030-0}, keywords={Drum Ladle, Cored Wire Injection Method, Ductile Iron, Fesi + Mg Nodulariser Mixture, Inoculant Master Alloy, mechanical properties, Magnesium Recovery, Vertical Ladle}, }