@ARTICLE{Mochnacki_B._Definition_2012, author={Mochnacki, B.}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Mathematical description of alloys solidification in a macro scale can be formulated using the one domain method (fixed domain approach). The energy equation corresponding to this model contains the parameter called a substitute thermal capacity (STC). The analytical form of STC results from the assumption concerning the course of the function fS = fS (T) describing the changes of solid state volumetric fraction and the temperature at the point considered. Between border temperatures TS , TL the function fS changes from 1 to 0. In this paper the volumetric fraction fS (more precisely fL = 1- fS ) is found using the simple models of macrosegregation (the lever arm rule, the Scheil model). In this way one obtains the formulas determining the course of STC resulting from the certain physical considerations and this approach seems to be closer to the real course of thermal processes proceeding in domain of solidifying alloy.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Definition of Alloy Substitute Thermal Capacity Using the Simple Macrosegregation Models}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/87122/PDF/19_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10266-012-0117-7}, keywords={Application of Information Technology to the Foundry Industry, solidification process, One Domain Method, Substitute Thermal Capacity, numerical methods}, }