@ARTICLE{Piątkowski_J._The_2013, author={Piątkowski, J. and Jabłońska, M.}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper presents the results of studies on the effect of the AlSi17Cu5 alloy overheating to atemperature of 920°C and modification with phosphorus (CuP10) on the resultingmechanical (HB, Rm, R0.2) and plastic (A5 and Z) properties. It has been shown that, so-called, "timethermal treatment" (TTT) of an alloy in the liquid state, consisting inoverheating the metal to about 250°C above Tliq,holding at this temperature by 30 minutes improvesthe mechanical properties. It has also been found that overheating of alloy above Tliq.enhances the process of modification, resulting in the formation of fine-grain structure. The primary silicon crystals uniformly distributed in the eutectic and characteristics ofthe α(Al) solution supersaturated with alloying elements present in the starting alloy composition (Cu, Fe) provide not only an increase of strength at ambient temperature but also at elevated temperature (250°C).}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Mechanical Properties of AlSi17Cu5 Cast Alloy after Overheating and Modification of CuP Master Alloy}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/87533/PDF/14_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/afe-2013-0062}, keywords={Hypereutectic Al-Si alloys, Overheating, Modification with CuP10 master alloy, Mechanical and plastic properties}, }