@ARTICLE{Świątek_Artur_Acquisition_2011, author={Świątek, Artur}, volume={vol. 32}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={247-258}, howpublished={online}, year={2011}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The aim of the article is the analysis of the results of the empirical research concerning the process of acquisition of English article system by Polish learners, carried out at three different levels of L2 acquisition. English articles, as a semantic category non-existent in Polish, constitute a notorious source of difficulties in their acquisition by Poles. Polish learners of English at the beginning of their education, being at the elementary level, do not actually acquire articles because of the lack of associations with Polish counterparts. The semantics of English articles differs while compared to Polish, where instead of the articles: a/an, the demonstrative pronouns occur, e.g. ten (this), tamten (that) or there exists a different word order, different intonation, verbal aspects and many other syntactic-semantic processes.While teaching English, we may easily observe that the process of acquisition of English article system by Polish learners differs depending on the level of advancement in learning English. In my article I would like to familiarize the addressees with the question of acquisition of articles by young teenagers, late teenagers and young adults. I hope the results of my research will evoke an interesting source for scientific discourse.}, type={Article}, title={Acquisition of English article system by Polish learners in different proficiency groups}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/89082/mainfile.pdf}, }