@ARTICLE{Luchowski_Leszek_Using_2013, author={Luchowski, Leszek and Kowalski, Przemysław}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 2}, journal={Theoretical and Applied Informatics}, pages={105-117}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={Committee of Informatics of Polish Academy of Science}, publisher={Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of Polish Academy of Science}, abstract={The article presents a method for 3D point cloud segmentation. The point cloud comes from a FARO LS scanner – the device creates a dense point cloud, where 3D points are organized in the 2D table. The input data set consists of millions of 3D points – it makes widely known RANSAC algorithms unusable. We add some modifi cations to use RANSAC for such big data sets.}, title={Using RANSAC for 3D pointcloud segmentation}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/93763/mainfile.pdf}, keywords={3D segmentation, point cloud, RANSAC}, }