@ARTICLE{Ziębik_Andrzej_Life_2010, author={Ziębik, Andrzej and Hoinka, Krzysztof and Liszka, Marcin}, number={No 3 September}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, pages={115-130}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This paper presents the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis concerning the selected options of supercritical coal power units. The investigation covers a pulverized power unit without a CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) installation, a pulverized unit with a "post-combustion" installation (MEA type) and a pulverized power unit working in the "oxy-combustion" mode. For each variant the net electric power amounts to 600 MW. The energy component of the LCA analysis has been determined. It describes the depletion of non-renewable natural resources. The energy component is determined by the coefficient of cumulative energy consumption in the life cycle. For the calculation of the ecological component of the LCA analysis the cumulative CO2 emission has been applied. At present it is the basic emission factor for the LCA analysis of power plants. The work also presents the sensitivity analysis of calculated energy and ecological factors.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Life cycle assessment analysis of supercritical coal power units}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/94135/PDF/08_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10173-010-0018-5}, keywords={LCA, CCS, Ecological analysis, Post-combustion, Oxy-combustion, Cumulative energy consumption}, }