@ARTICLE{Kotowicz_Janusz_Validation_2011, author={Kotowicz, Janusz and Łukowicz, Henryk and Bartela, Łukasz and Michalski, Sebastian}, number={No 4 December}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, pages={81-89}, howpublished={online}, year={2011}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This article describes the validation of a supercritical steam cycle. The cycle model was created with the commercial program GateCycle and validated using in-house code of the Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery. The Institute's in-house code has been used extensively for industrial power plants calculations with good results. In the first step of the validation process, assumptions were made about the live steam temperature and pressure, net power, characteristic quantities for high- and low-pressure regenerative heat exchangers and pressure losses in heat exchangers. These assumptions were then used to develop a steam cycle model in Gate-Cycle and a model based on the code developed in-house at the Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery. Properties, such as thermodynamic parameters at characteristic points of the steam cycle, net power values and efficiencies, heat provided to the steam cycle and heat taken from the steam cycle, were compared. The last step of the analysis was calculation of relative errors of compared values. The method used for relative error calculations is presented in the paper. The assigned relative errors are very slight, generally not exceeding 0.1%. Based on our analysis, it can be concluded that using the GateCycle software for calculations of supercritical power plants is possible.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Validation of a program for supercritical power plant calculations}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/94287/PDF/06_paper.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10173-011-0033-1}, keywords={Steam cycle, Validation, Supercritical power plant}, }