Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu The Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Resistance Butt Welds Made of a Cast Bainitic Steel Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2012 Numer No 1 March Autorzy Krawczyk, J. ; Parzych, S. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2012 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10172-012-0020-9 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2012; No 1 March Referencje Hotzman M. (2003), Mechanical properties and fracture behaviour of cast steel with bainitic microstructure and its use for cast crossings, Hutnicke Listy, 58, 8. ; Korab D. (2000), The Modern construction and technological solutions in the field of railway crossover, Railway Review, 131, 89. ; Pacyna J. (2001), The wear mechanism of toughened rails, Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, 27, 2, 229. ; Aglan H. (2004), Mechanical and fracture behaviour of bainitic rail steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 151, 268, ; Pacyna J. (2006), The first Polish bainitic rails, Polish Metallurgy in years 2002-2006, 651. ; Hernández F. (2007), Mechanical properties and wear performance of premium rail steels, Wear, 263, 766, ; Lee K. (2005), Wear of conventional pearlitic and improved bainitic rail steels, Wear, 259, 391, ; Clayton P. (1996), Tribological aspects of wheel-rail contact: a review of recent experimental research, Wear, 191, 170, ; Pacyna J. (2010), Microstructure and properties of new bainitic cast for railway frogs, null. ; Pacyna J. (2008), Phase transformations of super-cooled austenite of new bainitic materials for railway frogs, Archives of Foundry Engineering, 8, 111. ; R. K. Steele, Steel alloys with lower bainite microstructures for use in railroad cars and track, Report of the Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, D. C. (2002). ; Bąkowski H. (2011), Tribological properties of rail steel in straight moderately loaded sections of railway tracks, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 56, 3, 813, ; Krawczyk J. (2011), Tribological properties of tyre steel in rolling-sliding contact against bainitic rail steel, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 56, 3, 710. ; Zhang F. (2009), Effects of hydrogen on the properties of bainitic steel crossing, Engineering Failure Analysis, 16, 5, 1461, ; Pendelton D. (1986), Welded and cast - Centre crossings accepted after trawl, Railway Gazette International, 3. ; Green M. (2007), The effect of microstructure and composition on the rolling contact fatigue behaviour of cast bainitic steels, Wear, 263, 1-6, 756, ; Parzych S. (2010), Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and properties of bainitic cast steel used for frogs in railway crossovers, Archives of Foundry Engineering, 10, 1, 113.