Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Wavelet-based Entropy Measure for Rate-Distortion Optimization in Image Coding Tytuł czasopisma International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Rocznik 2010 Wolumin vol. 56 Numer No 1 Autorzy Garcia-Alvarez, J. ; Führ, H. ; Castellanos-Domínguez, G. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Data 2010 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10177-010-0003-6 ; eISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013) ; ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012) Źródło International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2010; vol. 56; No 1 Referencje Taubman D. (2000), High performance scalable image compression with ecbot, IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, 9, 7, 1158. ; Chang C.-I. (2006), Survey and comparative analysis of entropy and relative entropy thresholding techniques, null, 837. ; Lei S.-M. (1992), Design of high-order conditonial entropy coding for images, null, 3, 473. ; Yun Gao (2008), Estimating the entropy of binary time series: Methodology, some theory and a simulation study, Entropy, 10, 71. ; H. Führ, L. Demaret, and F. Friedric, <i>Document and Image Compression.</i> CRC Press, 2006, ch. Beyond wavelets: New image representation paradigms. ; P. A. C. Bovik. (2009) Laboratory for image & video engineering. [Online]. Available: <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Sheikh H. (2006), A statistical evalaution of recent full reference image quality asessment algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15, 11, 3441, ; Garcia-Alvarez J.-C. (2008), Image information access using wedgelet filters, null. ; Ginesu G. (2006), A multi-factors approach for image quality assessment based on a human visual system model, Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, 21, 316. ; Suckling J. (1994), The mammographic image analysis society digital mammogram database, Exerpta Medica, International Congress Series, 1069, 375. ; David Taubman (2003), null, 5150, 649. ; F. A. Llinás, "Model-based jpeg2000 rate control methods." Ph.D. dissertation, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, August 2006. ; Kosheleva O. (2004), On the optimal choice of quality metric in image compression: a soft computing approach, Soft Comput, 8, 4, 268, ; Julio Garcia (null), Information quantity measure mapped in wavelet space, null. ; Cabrelli C. (2002), Fractal block-coding: A functional approach for image and signal processing, Elsevier Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44, 1183. ; L. F. Pulido, "Recuperación de imágenes combinando redes neuronales y wavelets," Master's thesis, Instituto Naciona de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Mexico, 2001. ; L. Demaret, F. Friedrich, H. Führ, and T. Szygowski, "Multiscale wedgelet denoising algorithms." SPIE 5914, 59140x, 2005. ; Ngai-Man Cheung (2006), Efficient wavelet-based predictive slepian-wolf coding for hyperspectral imagery, Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing, 86, 3180,