Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Utilization of Heat Treatment Aimed to Spheroidization of Eutectic Silicon for Silumin Castings Produced by Squeeze Casting Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Foundry Engineering Rocznik 2012 Numer No 1 Autorzy Vanko, B. ; Stanček, L. Słowa kluczowe heat treatment ; Silicon spheroidization treatment ; Casting with crystallization under pressure (Direct squeeze casting) ; Hypoeutectic aluminium alloy Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2012 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10266-012-0021-1 ; eISSN 2299-2944 Źródło Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012; No 1 Referencje Woehrer J. (2003), Thixoforming - Premium Components Made From Aluminum Alloys by the Billet Route, Die Casting Engineer, 110. ; Wendinger B. (2004), Thixoforming - Serial Parts and New Opportunities for High Ductile Application, null. ; Batyšev A. (1990), Crystalization of Metals and Alloys Under Pressure, Metallurgija. ; Stanček, L. (1990). Influence of Aluminum Alloys Solidification by Pressure. Final Report of the Subtask in National Plan of Basic Research No. III-I-4-02-06. Bratislava. (in Slovak). ; Stanček L. (2007), Instrument for Casting with Crystallization Under Pressure with Increasing of Flow Intensity, null. ; Chai G. (1992), Some Factors Affecting the Modification of Aluminium Silicon Alloys by Addition of Strontium Containing Master Alloys, AFS Transaction's Society, 100, 92. ; NADCA Product Specification Standards for Die Castings Produced by the Semi-Solid and Squeeze Casting Processes. (1999). NADCA Publication #403. (2<sup>nd</sup> ed.). Rosemont, Illinois.