Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Parallel Computation Approaches to Optimize Learning Systems Tytuł czasopisma International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Rocznik 2011 Wolumin vol. 57 Numer No 2 Autorzy Czyż, Tomasz ; Rudek, Radosław ; Selvaraj, Henry Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Data 2011 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10177-011-0031-x ; eISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013) ; ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012) Źródło International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2011; vol. 57; No 2 Referencje Buşoniu L. (2008), A comprehensive survey of multiagent reinforcement learning, IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics - Part C: Applications And Reviews, 38, 156, ; Grzech A. (2009), Modeling and optimization of complex services in service-based systems, Cybernetics and Systems, 40, 706, ; Biskup D. (2008), A state-of-the-art review on scheduling with learning effects, European Journal of Operational Research, 188, 315, ; Kerzner H. (1998), Project management: a system approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. ; Świątek P. (2010), Adaptive packet scheduling for requests delay guaranties in packet-switched computer communication network, Systems Science, 36, 7. ; Janiak A. (2011), A note on the learning effect in multi-agent optimization, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 5974, ; Janiak A. (2009), Experience based approach to scheduling problems with the learning effect, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A, 39, 344, ; Nawaz M. (1983), A heuristic algorithm for m-machine, n-jobs Flow-shop sequencing problem, Omega, 11, 91, ; Glover F. (1997), Tabu search, ; Kirkpatrick S. (1983), Optimization by simulated annealing, Science, 220, 671,