Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Occurrence of Sharp Eyespot in Spring Cereals Grown in Some Regions of Poland Tytuł czasopisma Journal of Plant Protection Research Rocznik 2010 Wolumin vol. 50 Numer No 4 Autorzy Lemańczyk, Grzegorz Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Committee of Plant Protection PAS ; Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Data 2010 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10045-010-0084-3 ; ISSN 1427-4345 ; eISSN 1899-007X Źródło Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2010; vol. 50; No 4 Referencje Bandoni R. (1979), Safranin O as a rapid nuclear stain for fungi, Mycologia, 71, 4, 873, ; Bateman G. (1999), Effects of number of winter wheat crops grown successively on fungal communities on wheat roots, Appl. Soil Ecol, 13, 3, 271, ; Boerema G. (1977), Check-list for scientific names of common parasitic fungi. Series 26: Fungi on field crops: cereals and grasses, Neth. J. Plant Pathol, 83, 5, 165, ; Cromey M. (2005), Susceptibility of New Zealand wheat cultivars to sharp eyespot, N. Z. Plant Protect, 58, 268. ; Doyle J. (1990), Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue, Focus, 12, 13. ; Gill J. (2001), Effect of soil moisture at different temperatures on <i>Rhizoctonia</i> root rot of wheat seedlings, Plant Soil, 231, 1, 91, ; Glynne M. (1950), Sharp eyespot as a severe disease of oats, Nature, 166, 232, ; Johanson A. (1998), A PCR-based method to distinguish fungi of the rice sheath-blight complex, <i>Rhizoctonia solani, R. oryzae</i> and <i>R. oryzae-sativae</i>, FEMS Microbiol. Lett, 162, 2, 289. ; Kataria H. (1996), <i>Rhizoctonia</i> Species: Taxonomy, Molecular, Biological, Ecological, Pathology, and Disease Control, 537. ; Kataria H. (1991), Sensitivity of <i>Rhizoctonia</i> species to different fungicides, Plant Pathol, 40, 2, 203, ; Kurowski T. (2002), Studia nad chorobami podsuszkowymi zbóż uprawianych w wieloletnich monokulturach, 56, 86. ; Kurowski T. (2007), Occurrence of stem base diseases of four cereal species grown in long-term monocultures, Pol. J. Nat. Sci, 22, 4, 574, ; Łacicowa B. (1989), Grzyby towarzyszące <i>Gaeumannomyces graminis</i> w tkankach pszenicy i pszenżyta, Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol, 374, 243. ; Matusinsky P. (2008), The role of organic vs. conventional farming practice, soil management and preceding crop on the incidence of stem-base pathogens on wheat, J. Plant Dis. Protect, 115, 1, 17. ; Nicholson P. (1996), Development and use of a PCR assay to detect <i>Rhizoctonia cerealis</i>, the cause of sharp eyespot in wheat, Plant Pathol, 45, 5, 872, ; Nicholson P. (2002), Development of stem-base pathogens on different cultivars of winter wheat determined by quantitative PCR, Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 108, 2, 163, ; Pląskowska E. (2005), Zdrowotność pszenicy jarej uprawianej w siewie czystym i w mieszaninach odmian, CCXXXVI, 528. ; Priyatmojo A. (2001), Grouping of binucleate <i>Rhizoctonia</i> anastomosis group D (AG-D) isolates into subgroups I and II based on whole-cell fatty acid compositions, J. Phytopathol, 149, 7-8, 421, ; Sneh B. (1996), <i>Rhizoctonia</i> Species: Taxonomy, Molecular, Biological, Ecological, Pathology, and Disease Control, 473. ; Sneh B. (1991), Identification of <i>Rhizoctonia</i> Species, 578. ; Turner A. (2001), Evaluation of diagnostic and quantitative PCR for the identification and severity assessment of eyespot and sharp eyespot in winter wheat, Plant Pathol, 50, 4, 463, ; Weber Z. (1989), Podatność zbóż, rzepaku i ziemniaka na <i>Rhizoctonia cerealis</i> i <i>R. solani</i>, 2, 99. ; Wenzel H. (1948), Zur Erfassung des Schadenausmasses in Pflanzenschutzversuchen, Pflanzenschutz-Ber, 15, 81. ; Wiese M. (1987), Compendium of Wheat Diseases, 112. ; Żółtańska E. (1996), Ocena możliwości ochrony pszenicy przed grzybami <i>Rhizoctonia cerealia</i> V. D. Hoeven i <i>Rhizoctonia solani</i> Kuhn. przez stosowanie drobnoustrojów antagonistycznych, Prog. Plant Protection/Post. Ochr. Roślin, 36, 2, 171. ; Żółtańska E. (2006), The effect of soil moisture and temperature on efficacy of seed dressing preparations Biochikol 020 PC and Baytan Universal 19,5 WS in control of <i>Rhizoctonia</i> fungi on wheat, J. Plant Protection Res, 46, 3, 261.