Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Enhance Resistance to Alternaria Alternata Causing Potato Brown Leaf Spot Disease by Using Some Plant Defense Inducers Tytuł czasopisma Journal of Plant Protection Research Rocznik 2012 Wolumin vol. 52 Numer No 1 Autorzy Soleimani, Mohammad Javad ; Kirk, William Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Committee of Plant Protection PAS ; Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Data 2012 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10045-012-0014-7 ; ISSN 1427-4345 ; eISSN 1899-007X Źródło Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2012; vol. 52; No 1 Referencje Andreu A. (2006), Enhancement of natural disease resistance in potato by chemicals, Pest Manage. Sci, 26, 9, 162, ; Bokshi A. (2003), Effects of benzothiadiazole and acetylsalicylic acid on β-1,3-glucanase activity and disease resistance in potato, Plant Pathol, 52, 1, 22, ; Durrant W. (2004), Systemic acquired resistance, Annu. Rev. Phytopathol, 42, 185, ; A. El Ghaouth (1992), Antifungal activity of chitosan on post-harvest pathogens: induction of morphological and cytological alterations in <i>Rhizopus stolonifer</i>, Mycol. Res, 96, 9, 769, ; A. El Ghaouth (1991), Chitosan coating effect on storability and quality of fresh strawberries, J. Food Sci, 56, 6, 1618, ; Friedrich L. (1996), Benzothiadiazole derivative induces systemic acquired resistance in tobacco, Plant J, 10, 1, 61, ; Gorlach J. (1996), Benzothiadiazole, a novel class of inducers of systemic acquired resistance, activates gene expression and disease resistance in wheat, The Plant Cell, 8, 4, 629, ; Goth R. (1997), A detached-leaf method to evaluate late blight resistance in potato and tomato, Am. Potato J, 74, 5, 347, ; Hadi M. (2010), The effect of salicylic acid on the reduction of <i>Rizoctonia solani</i> damage in the tubers of marfona potato cultivar, American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci, 492. ; Hammerschmidt R. (1999), Induced disease resistance: how do induced plants stop pathogens? Physiol, Mol. Plant Pathol, 55, 77, ; Ishii H. (1999), Induced resistance of acibenzolar-S-methyl (CGA-245704) to cucumber and Japanese pear diseases, Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 105, 1, 77, ; Jansky S. (2008), A test of taxonomic predictivity: resistance to early blight in wild relatives of cultivated potato, Phytopathology, 98, 6, 680, ; Kendra F. (1989), Chitosan oligomers from <i>Fusarium solani</i>/pea interactions, chitinase/β-glucanase digestion of sporelings and from fungal wall chitin actively inhibit fungal growth and enhance disease resistance, Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol, 35, 3, 215, ; Liu P. (2011), Interconnection between methyl salicylate and lipid-based long-distance signaling during the development of systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis and tobacco, Plant Physiol, 155, 1762, ; Nash A. (1988), Heritability of tomato early blight resistance derived from <i>Lycopersicon hirsutum</i> P. I. 126445, J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci, 113, 264. ; Ryals J. (1994), Systemic acquired resistance, Plant Physiol, 104, 4, 1109. ; Simmons E. (2000), Alternaria themes and variations (244-286): species on Solanacaeae, Mycotaxon, 75, 1. ; Spletzer M. (1999), Salicylic acid induces resistance to <i>Alternaria solani</i> in hydroponically grown tomato, Phytopathology, 89, 9, 722, ; Stevenson W. (2001), Compendium of Potato Diseases, 106. ; Tally A. (1999), Induced Plant Defenses Against Pathogens and Herbivores, 357. ; Thomma B. (2003), <i>Alternaria</i> spp.: from general saprophyte to specific parasite, Mol. Plant Pathol, 4, 4, 225, ; Visker M. (2003), Leaf position prevails over plant age and leaf age in reflecting resistance to late blight in potato, Phytopathology, 93, 6, 666, ; Vleeshouwers V. (1999), A laboratory assay for <i>Phytophthora infestans</i> resistance in various <i>Solanum</i> species reflects the field situation, Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 105, 3, 241, ; Ward E. (1991), Coordinate gene activity in response to agents that induce systemic acquired resistance, Plant Cell, 3, 10, 1085, ; White R. (1979), Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) induces resistance to tobacco mosaic virus in tobacco, Virology, 99, 2, 410,