Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu What is the Role of the Stagnation Region in Karman Vortex Shedding? Tytuł czasopisma Metrology and Measurement Systems Rocznik 2011 Numer No 3 Autorzy Pankanin, Grzegorz Słowa kluczowe flow measurement ; Karman vortex shedding ; bluff body ; stagnation region Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 361-370 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation Data 2011 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10178-011-0003-0 ; ISSN 2080-9050, e-ISSN 2300-1941 Źródło Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2011; No 3; 361-370 Referencje Pankanin G. (2005), The Vortex Flowmeter: Various Methods of Investigating Phenomena, Measurement Science and Technology, 3. ; Cousins T. (1973), A linear and accurate flowmeter using vortex shedding, null, 45. ; Miller R. (1977), A vortex flowmeter - calibration results and application experience, null. ; Lomas D. (1975), Vortex flowmetering challenges the accepted techniques, Control & Instrumentation. ; Turner J. (1993), Evolution of an improved vortex generator, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 4, 249, ; Igarashi T. (2000), Performance of new type vortex shedder for vortex flowmeter, null, 028. ; Hans V. (2003), Comparison of pressure and ultrasound measurements in vortex flow-meters, Measurement, 33, 121, ; Menz B. (1997), Vortex flowmeter with enhanced accuracy and reliability by means of sensor fusion and self-validation, Measurement, 22, 123, ; Takahashi S. (1993), Intelligent vortex flowmeter, null, 107. ; Hans V. (1996), Measuring Vortex Frequencies using Undersampled Ultrasound Signals, null, 724. ; Clarke D. (2002), Designing phase-locked loops for instrumentation applications, Measurement, 32, 205, ; Clarke D. (2003), A dual phase-locked loop for vortex flow metering, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 14, 1, ; Huang N. (1998), The Empirical Mode Decomposition and The Hilbert Spectrum for Nonlinear and Non-stationary Time Series Analysis, Proc. of the Royal Society of London, 454, 903, ; Sun Z-Q. (2006), Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform to Denoising in Vortex Flowmeter, J. Cent. South Univ. Technol, 13, 5, 501, ; Birkhoff G. (1953), Formation vortex street, Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 1, 98, ; Birkhoff G. (1957), Zarantonello E.H. Jets Wakes and Cavities. ; Funakawa M. (1969), The Vibration of a Cylinder Caused by Wake Force in a Flow, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 12, 53, 1003, ; Pankanin G. (1994), Sensitivity of Vortex Meter Characteristics on Bluff Body Design, null, 2, 893. ; Cousins T. (1975), The performance and design of vortex meters, null. ; Pankanin G. (2005), Analytical modelling of Karman vortex street, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 12, 4, 411. ; Pankanin G. (2006), Simulation of Karman vortex street development using new model, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 13, 1, 35. ; Pankanin G. (2007), Experimental and Theoretical Investigations Concerning the Influence of Stagnation Region on Karman Vortex Shedding, null. ; Honda S. (1985), Vortex shedding in a three-dimensional flow through a circular pipe, null, 139. ; Igarashi T. (1985), Fluid flow around a bluff body used for a Karman vortex flowmeter, null, 1017. ; Pankanin G. (2007), Investigations of Karman Vortex Street Using Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 138, 366, ; Pankanin G. (2009), Determination of Vortex Convection Velocity with Application of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, null.