Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Contacts Erosion Modelling Using Ansys Computer Software And Experimental Research Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2015 Numer No 2 June Autorzy Sienicki, A. ; Borkowski, P. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0173 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2015; No 2 June Referencje Pons (2008), An electrical arc erosion model valid for high current : Vaporization and Splash Erosion thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Proc, 54. ; Kubono (1976), Contribution to the theory for the cathode erosion in the arc discharge thICECP, Proc, 8, 198. ; Frydman (2013), The influence of the microstructure on the electrical properties of Ag - Ag - WC and Ag content materials of Metallurgy and Materials, Archives, 58, 1059. ; Jenq (1992), Thermal analysis of electrode heating and melting due to a spark thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Proc, 38, 51. ; Księżarek (2014), Progress in fabrication technology of silver - based contact materials with particular account of the Ag - Re and Ag - SnO composites of Metallurgy and Materials, Archives, 2, 501. ; Borkowski (2004), Arc Erosion of Contacts on Switching High Current of Electrical Engineering PAN in Warsaw, Archives, 53, 259. ; Davies (1996), Experimental and theoretical study of heat transfer in switches of thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts Chicago, Proc, 42, 45. ; Borkowski (2005), Influence of contact diameter no arc erosion of the polarized contacts at high current conditions thInternational Conference SAP, Proc, 10, 111. ; Borkowski (1997), Preliminary computer simulation of thermal influence of electric arc on contact during breaking of high current thInternational Conference SAP, Proc, 8, 237. ; Chabrerie (1992), Teste Ph method for determination of the liquid and the vapor quantities created by an arc in air on contact electrodes : an original test device thICEC, Proc, 16, 331. ; Swingler (1998), Modeling of energy transport in arcing electrical contacts to determine mass loss TCPM PART A, IEEE, 21, 54. ; Tchalakov (1982), Electric contacts heating as a result of the electric arc thITK, Proc, 11, 366. ; Borkowski (2005), Thermal Models of Short Arc for Contact Opening on an Half Cycle of High Current of Electrical Engineering PAN in Warsaw, Archives, 54, 109. ; Lefort (1980), Experimental investigation of the energy exchange process at contacts subjected to an electic arc of intensity less than kA thICECP Budapest, Proc, 10, 129. ; Nakagawa (1976), Theoretical calculation of the process of contact erosion using one dimensional contact model thICECP, Proc, 8, 216. ; Borkowski (2005), Computer simulation of thermal processes in conducts and arc erosion of silver - tungsten composite materials thInternational Conference SAP, Proc, 10, 96. ; Chabrerie (1992), Teste Ph numerical model for thermal processes in an electrode submitted to an arc in air and its experimental verification thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts Philadelphia pp, Proc, 38, 65. ; Borkowski (2007), Computer simulation of thermal processes in contacts and arc erosion of silver - tungsten composite materials of Electrical Engineering PAN w wie, Archives, 56, 89. ; Lefort (1987), Energy transmitted to a metal contact by the cathode and anode of an electric arc rdIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts Chicago, Proc, 33, 137. ; Borkowski (2001), Thermal Models of Short Arc between High Current Contacts thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts Montreal, Proc, 47, 259. ; Borkowski (2005), Computer - aided testing of contacts on switching high current of Electrical Engeneering PAN in Warsaw, Archives, 54, 253. ; Kim (1982), et al Thermophysical Processes in Electrical Contacts with Short Arc thICEC, Proc, 11, 82.