Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Numerical Analysis of a Rolling Process for Producing Steel Balls Using Helical Rolls Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2016 Numer No 2 June Autorzy Chyła, P. ; Pater, Z. ; Tomczak, J. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2016 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2016-0085 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2016; No 2 June Referencje Pater (2006), Thermo - mechanical analysis of piercing plug loads in the skew rolling process of thick - walled tube shell Metallurgy and Foundry, Engineering, 32, 31. ; Pater (2006), The analysis of the state of strain in parts formed by means of the wedgerolls rolling of Metallurgy and, Archives Materials, 50, 675. ; Pater (2005), Numerical modeling of cross wedge rolling process of ball pin of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 164. ; Kazanecki (2007), The analysis of the influence of plug shape and its position on piercing process in skew rolling mill Computer Methods in Materials, Science, 7, 299. ; Pater (2006), Finished cross - wedge rolling of hollowed cutters of Metallurgy and, Archives Materials, 51, 205. ; Szota (2011), Numerical modelling of the working rolls wear during rods rolling process of Metallurgy and, Archives Materials, 56, 495. ; Pater (2006), Finite element analysis of cross wedge rolling of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 173. ; Pater (2003), Stress state in cross wedge rolling process of, Archives Metallurgy, 48, 21. ; Bartnicki (2004), The aspects of stability in crosswedge rolling processes of hollowed shafts of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 155. ; Kazanecki (2007), Analiza termomechaniczna procesu walcowania pierścieni w trójwalcowej walcarce skośnej i etale, Nieżelazne, 11, 861. ; Qiang (2007), Analysis on temperature distribution in cross wedge rolling process with finite element method of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 187. ; Pater (2007), Experimental and theoretical analysis of the cross - wedge rolling process in cold forming conditions of Metallurgy and, Archives Materials, 52, 289. ; Komori (2005), Simulation of Mannesmann piercing process by the three - dimensional rigid - plastic finite - element method of Mechanical, International Journal Sciences, 47, 1838. ; Pater (2006), Three dimensional thermo - mechanical simulation of the tube forming process in Diescher s mill of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 177. ; Pater (2006), Cross - wedge rolling by means of one Flat wedge and two shaped rolls of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 177. ; Pater (2013), Complex numerical analysis of the tube forming process using Diescher mill of Metallurgy and, Archives Materials, 58, 717. ; Bartnicki (2005), Numerical simulation of three - rolls cross wedge rolling of hollowed shaft of Materials Processing, Journal Technology, 164. ; Urbański (1994), Assessment of the strain distribution in the rotary piercing process by the finite element method Materials Processing Technology, Journal, 45.