Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Interpretation Of Ground Penetrating Radar Attributes In Identifying The Risk Of Mining Subsidence Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Mining Sciences Rocznik 2015 Numer No 2 Autorzy Tomecka-Suchoń, Sylwia ; Marcak, Henryk Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Committee of Mining PAS Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amsc-2015-0042 ; ISSN 0860-7001 Źródło Archives of Mining Sciences; 2015; No 2 Referencje Bakalowicz (2002), Al - fares Analysis of the karst aquifer structure of the Lamalou area with ground penetrating radar of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 51. ; Marcak (2008), Geotechnical analysis and GPR measurements for the assessment of the risk of sinkholes occurring in a Polish mining area, Near Surface Geophysics, 6, 233, ; Carcione (2006), de la Fresnel reflection coefficients for GPR - AVO analysis and detection of seawater and NAPL contaminants, Near Surface Geophysics, 4, 252, ; Chamberlain (2000), Cave detection in limestone using Ground Penetrating Radar of, Journal Archaeological Science, 27, 957, ; Beres (2001), Integration of ground - penetrating radar and microgravimetric methods to map shallow caves of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 46, 249, ; Batayneh (2002), Use of ground - penetrating radar for assessment of potential sinkhole conditions : an example from Ghor al Haditha area Jordan, Environmental Geology, 977. ; Chopra (2007), Seismic Attributes for Prospect ID and Reservoir Characterization Reservoir Characterization SEG Geophysical, Development, 11, 256. ; Szymczyk (2014), Zaawansowane metody przetwarzania danych georadarowych oraz automatyczne rozpoznawanie anomalii w strukturach geologicznych, Elektronika, 12, 56. ; Carcione (2000), D ground - penetrating radar simulation and plane wave theory, Geophysics, 65. ; Jeng (2012), Subsurface GPR imaging of a potential collapse area in urban environments, Engineering Geology, 147. ; Kofman (2006), Detection of model voids by identifying reverberation phenomena in GPR records of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 59. ; Saarenketo (1988), Electrical properties of water in clay and salty soils of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 4, 73. ; Taner (1979), Complex seismic trace analysis, Geophysics, 44, 1041, ; McMechan (1998), Ground penetrating radar imaging of a collapsed paleocave system in the Ellenburger dolomite , central Texas of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 39, 1, ; Carcione (2000), An electromegnetic modeling tool for the detection of hydrocarbons in the subsoil, Geophysical Prospecting, 48, 231, ; Marcak (2010), Properties of georadar signals used for an estimation of the mineralization of the soil waters of, Archives Mining Sciences, 55, 469. ; Coşkun (2012), The effectiveness of electrical resistivity imaging in sinkhole investigations, International Journal of Physical Sciences, 7.