Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Detection Of Multilayer Cavities By Employing RC-DTH Air Hammer System And Cavity Auto Scanning Laser System Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Mining Sciences Rocznik 2015 Numer No 4 Autorzy Luo, Yongjiang ; Li, Lijia ; Peng, Jianming ; Yin, Kun ; Li, Peng ; Gan, Xin ; Zhao, Letao ; Su, Wei Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Committee of Mining PAS Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amsc-2015-0069 ; ISSN 0860-7001 Źródło Archives of Mining Sciences; 2015; No 4 Referencje Schoor (2002), Detection of sinkholes using electrical resistivity imaging of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 50, 393, ; Mochales (2008), Detection of underground cavities by combining gravity , magnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys : a case study from the Zaragoza area, Environmental Geology, 53, 1067. ; Leucci (2005), Integrated geophysical surveys to assess the structural conditions of a karstic cave of archaeological importance Natural Hazards and Earth, System Science, 5, 17. ; Beres (2001), Integration of ground - penetrating radar and microgravimetric methods to map shallow caves of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 46, 249, ; Grandjean (2004), The potential of seismic methods for detecting cavities and buried objects : experimentation at a test site of, Journal Applied Geophysics, 56, 93, ; Chalikakis (2011), Contribution of geophysical methods to karst - system exploration : an overview, Hydrogeology Journal, 19, 1169, ; Cardarelli (2010), Electrical resistivity and seismic refraction tomography to detect buried cavities, Geophysical Prospecting, 58, 685, ; Mochales (2008), Detection of underground cavities by combining gravity , magnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys : a case study from the Zaragoza area, Environmental Geology, 53, 1067, ; Franca (2011), A bit - rock interaction model for rotary - percussive drilling of and, International Journal Rock Mechanics Mining Sciences, 48, 827, ; Giorgi (2014), Detection of Hazardous Cavities Below a Road Using Combined Geophysical Methods in Geophysics, Surveys. ; Melaned (2000), Hydraulic Hammer Drilling Technology : Developments and Capabilities of Energy Resources Technology, Journal, 122, 1. ; Chamberlain (2000), Cave Detection in Limestone using Ground Penetrating Radar of, Journal Archaeological Science, 27, 957, ; Militzer (1977), For Cavity Research Resistivity by R Ch Research, Cavity, 640. ; Kosecki (2010), High resolution seismic investigation in salt mining context, Acta Geophysica, 58, 15,