Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Antarctic Benthic Fauna in the Global Climate Change Journal title Papers on Global Change IGBP Yearbook 2011 Issue No 18 Authors Kidawa, Anna ; Janecki, Tomasz Divisions of PAS Nauki o Ziemi Publisher Polish Academy of Sciences Date 2011 Identifier DOI: 10.2478/v10190-010-0006-5 ; ISSN 1730-802X Source Papers on Global Change IGBP; 2011; No 18 References Brown (2004), Links between the structure of an Antarctic shallow - water community and ice - scour frequency, Oecol, 141, 121, ; Croxall (2002), Environmental change and Antarctic seabird populations, Science, 297. ; Teixido (2007), Iceberg disturbance and successional spatial patterns : the case of the shelf Antarctic benthic communities, Ecosystems, 10, 142. ; Lee (2001), Recolonisation of meiofauna after catastrophic iceberg scouring in shallow Antarctic sediments, Polar Biol, 24, 918, ; Vaughan (1996), Recent atmospheric warming and retreat of ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula, Nature, 379. ; 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