Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu The effect of different dietary sodium levels on blood mineral concentrations and tibia mineralization in turkeys Tytuł czasopisma Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Rocznik 2012 Numer No 2 Autorzy Jankowski, J. ; Zduńczyk, Z. ; Lichtorowicz, K. ; Juśkiewicz, J. Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences ; University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Data 2012 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10181-011-0138-0 ; ISSN 1505-1773 Źródło Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2012; No 2 Referencje Borges S. (2003), Dietary electrolyte balance for broiler chickens exposed to thermoneutral or heat-stress environments, Poult Sci, 82, 428. ; B. U. T. (<b>2009</b>) Commercial Performance Goals. British United Turkeys Ltd. Available at: <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Crespo R. (2000), Morphometric and mechanical properties of femora in young adult male turkeys with and without femoral fractures, Poult Sci, 79, 602. ; Faruga A. (2009), Comparison of the effect of cholecalciferol and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the characteristic features of femoral and tibia bones in male fattening turkeys, Arch Geflugelk, 73, 237. ; Feretti J. (1993), Interrelationships between densitometrical, geometric and mechanical properties of rat femora: inferences concerning mechanical regulation on bone modeling, J Bone Miner Res, 8, 1389, ; Jankowski J. (2011a), The effect of different dietary sodium levels on the growth performance of broiler chickens, gastrointestinal function, excreta moisture and tibia mineralization, J Anim Feed Sci, 20, 93. ; Jankowski J. (2011b), Effects of inclusion level and source of dietary sodium on performance and meat characteristics of broiler chickens, Arch Anim Nutr, 65, 186, ; Kestin S. (2001), Relationship in broiler chickens between lameness, liveweight, growth rate and age, Vet Rec, 148, 195, ; Koreleski J. (2010), Factors affecting electrolyte balance in broiler feed, Polskie Drobiarstwo, 3, 2. ; Kwiecień M. (2008), Changes of bone parameters of chickens fed a decreased energy value feed mixture, Med Weter, 64, 480. ; Leterrier C. (1992), Composition, cortical structure and mechanical properties of chicken tibiotarsi: effect on growth rate, Br Poult Sci, 33, 925, ; Mayne R. (2007), High litter moisture alone is sufficient to cause footpad dermatitis in growing turkeys, Br Poult Sci, 48, 538, ; Mikulski D. (2009), Cooper balance, bone mineralization and the growth performance of turkeys fed diet with two types of Cu supplements, J Anim Feed Sci, 18, 677. ; Mongin P. (1981), Recent advances in dietary anioncation balance: applications in poultry, Proc Nutr Soc, 40, 285, ; Murakami A. (1997), Effect of level and source of sodium on performance of male broilers to 56 days, J Appl Poult Res, 6, 128. ; Murakami A. (2000), Sodium source and level in broiler diets with and without high levels of animal protein, J Appl Poult Res, 9, 53. ; Mushtaq T. (2007), Dietary sodium and chloride for twenty-nine to forty-two-day-old broiler chickens at constant electrolyte balance under subtropical summer conditions, J Appl Poult Res, 16, 161, ; Naas I. (2009), Impact of lameness on broiler well-being, J Appl Poult Res, 18, 432, ; NRC (<b>1994</b>) Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9<sup>th</sup> ed., National Academy Press, Washington DC. ; Olanrewaju H. (2007), Electrolyte diets, stress, and acid-base balance in broiler chickens, Poult Sci, 86, 1363. ; Rao R. (2003), Lameness in chickens: alleviation by dietary manipulation, Poultry Int, 42, 56. ; Sandercock D. (2004), The role of sodium ions in the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle damage in broiler chickens, Poult Sci, 83, 701. ; Tatara M. (2011), Effect of dietary calcium content and vitamin D source on skeletal properties in growing turkeys, Br Poult Sci, 52, 718, ; Tietz N. (1986), Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 1351. ; Tykałowski B. (2011), Level of electrolytes and percentage of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in blood of broiler chickens fed mixtures with different contents of sodium chloride, Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 55, 333. ; Venäläinen E. (2006), Effects of dietary metabolisable energy, calcium and phosphorus on bone mineralisation, leg weakness and performance of broiler chickens, Br Poult Sci, 47, 301, ; Vieira S. (2003), Sodium requirements for the first seven days in broiler chicks, J Appl Poult Res, 12, 362. ; Watkins S. (2005), The interaction of sodium chloride levels in poultry drinking water and the diet of broiler chickens, J Appl Poult Res, 14, 55. ; Whiteside P. (1984), Pye Unicam Atomic Absorption Data Book. ; Williams B. (2000), Skeletal development in the meat-type chicken, Br Poult Sci, 41, 141, ; Zhou Z. (2011), Bone characteristics of 16 wk-old-turkeys subjected to different dietary supplements and simulated stress, Intern J Poult Sci, 10, 332,