Tytuł artykułu
Development of generative structures of polar Caryophyllaceae plants: the Arctic Cerastium alpinum and Silene involucrata, and the Antarctic Colobanthus quitensisTytuł czasopisma
Polish Polar ResearchRocznik
vol. 38Numer
No 1Autorzy
Słowa kluczowe
Antarctic ; Arctic ; Cerastium alpinum ; chasmogamous flowers ; cleistogamous flowers ; Colobanthus quitensis ; pollen grains ; seeds ; Silene involucrataWydział PAN
Nauki o ZiemiZakres
Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee on Polar ResearchData
Artykuły / ArticlesIdentyfikator
DOI: 10.1515/popore-2017-0001 ; ISSN 0138-0338 ; eISSN 2081-8262Źródło
Polish Polar Research; 2017; vol. 38; No 1; 83-104Referencje
MOLAU (1993), Relationships between fl owering phenology and life history strategies in tundra plants and, Arctic Antarctic Alpine Research, 25, 391, ; MÜLLER (2011), Germinability of arctic plants is high in perceived optimal conditions but low in the fi eld, Botany, 89, 337, ; MCGRAW (1997), Size and characteristics of a natural seed bank in Antarctica and, Arctic Antarctic Alpine Research, 29, 213, ; PIROŻNIKOW (1993), Populations of Saxifraga oppositifolia in Spitsbergen tundra in different ecological conditions, Polish Polar Research, 14, 355. ; KOLTUNOW (1993), Apomixis : Embryo sac and embryos formed without meiosis or fertilization in ovules, Plant Cell, 5, 1425, ; MASCARENHAS (1989), The male gametophyte of fl owering plants The, Plant Cell, 1, 657, ; WALTON (1982), Floral phenology in the South Georgian vascular fl ora Survey, British Antarctic Bulletin, 55, 11. ; SRINIVASAN (1999), Cold tolerance during early reproductive growth of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum genetic variation in gamete development and func - tion Field, Crops Research, 60, 209, ; RUHLAND (2001), Size and longevity of seed banks in Antarctica and the infl uence of ultraviolet - B radiation on survivorship growth and pigment concentrations of Colobanthus quitensis seedlings Environmental and, Experimental Botany, 45, 143, naukowa
Editorial Advisory Board
Robert BIALIK (Warszawa, Poland)
Magda BŁAŻEWICZ (Łódź, Poland)
Alistair CRAME (Cambridge, UK)
Josef ELSTER (České Budějovice, Czechia)
Jacek JANIA (Sosnowiec, Poland)
Cezary KABAŁA (Wrocław, Poland)
Jerónimo LÓPEZ-MARTINEZ (Madrid, Spain)
Krzysztof MIGAŁA (Wrocław, Poland)
Jerzy NAWROCKI (Warszawa, Poland)
Maria OLECH (Kraków, Poland)
Sergej OLENIN (Klaipeda, Litva)
Sandra PASSCHIER (Montclair, USA)
Jan PAWŁOWSKI (Sopot, Poland)
Żaneta POLKOWSKA (Gdańsk, Poland)
Gerhard SCHMIEDL (Hamburg, Germany)
Peter SCHWEITZER (Vienna, Austria)
Janne SOREIDE (UNIS, Svalbard)
Lech STEMPNIEWICZ (Gdańsk, Poland)
Mateusz STRZELECKI (Wrocław, Poland)
Witold SZCZUCIŃSKI (Poznań, Poland)
Slawek TULACZYK (Santa Cruz, USA)
Jan Marcin WĘSŁAWSKI (Sopot, Poland) - President
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