Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Frequency of the Audiometric Notch Following Excessive Noise Exposure Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Acoustics Rocznik 2015 Wolumin vol. 40 Numer No 2 Autorzy Ristovska, Lidija ; Jachova, Zora ; Atanasova, Nikica Słowa kluczowe audiometric configuration ; notch ; noise exposure Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 213-221 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aoa-2015-0024 ; ISSN 0137-5075 ; eISSN 2300-262X Źródło Archives of Acoustics; 2015; vol. 40; No 2; 213-221 Referencje Pawlaczyk (2013), Noise induced hearing loss : Research in central eastern and south - eastern Europe and newly independent states Noise &, Health, 15, 55. ; DudarewiczA (2010), The influence of selected risk factors on the hearing threshold level of noise exposed employees of, Archives Acoustics, 35, 371. ; PittmanA (2003), Hearing loss in children and adults : Audiometric configuration asymmetry and progression and, Ear Hearing, 24, 198, ; StarckJ (2003), Impulse noise and risk criteria Noise &, Health, 5, 63. ; DelecrodeC (2012), Prevalence of tinnitus in workers exposed to noise and organophosphates International of, Archives Otorhinolaryngology, 16, 328. ; McBrideD (2004), Noise - induced hearing loss and hearing conservation in mining, Occupational Medicine, 54, 290, ; AhmedH (2001), Occupational noise exposure and hearing loss of workers in two plants in Eastern Saudi Arabia The of, Annals Occupational Hygiene, 45, 371, ; WilsonR (2013), Characteristics of the audiometric Hz notch veterans ) and the Hz notches veterans ) of Research &, Journal Rehabilitation Development, 50, 4000. ; AdjamianP (2012), Neuromagnetic indicators of tinnitus and tinnitus masking in patients with and without hearing loss of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Journal, 13, 715. ; SteinmetzL (2009), The characteristics of tinnitus in workers exposed to noise Brazilian of, Journal Otorhinolaryngology, 75, 7. ; WilsonR (2011), Some observations on the nature of the audiometric Hz notch : data from veterans of the of, Journal American Academy Audiology, 22, 23, ; SungJ (2013), Relationship of cigarette smoking and hearing loss in workers exposed to occupational noise of and, Annals Occupational Environmental Medicine, 25, 8, ; doSocorroOliveiraSoaresM (2013), Assessment of traffic noise pollution in traffic agents, Health Care, 1, 87. ; KimJ (2005), Combined effects of noise and mixed solvents exposure on the hearing function among workers in the aviation industry, Industrial Health, 43, 567, ; KujawaS (2006), Acceleration of age - related hearing loss by early noise exposure : evidence of a misspent youth The of, Journal Neuroscience, 26, 2115, ; RabinowitzP (2000), Noise - induced hearing loss Family, American Physician, 61, 2749. ; MahboubiH (2013), Noise - induced hearing threshold shift among U adults and implications for noise - induced hearing loss : National health and nutrition examination surveys of - -, European Archives Oto Rhino Laryngology, 270, 461, ; NeitzelR (2004), Contributions of non - occupational activities to total noise exposure of construction workers The of, Annals Occupational Hygiene, 48, 463, ; HabooshehR (2012), Workplace hearing loss British Columbia Medical, Journal, 54, 175. ; PsillasG (2008), Potential efficacy of early treatment of acute acoustic trauma with steroids and piracetam after gunshot noise of - -, European Archives Oto Rhino Laryngology, 265, 1465, ; BorchgrevinkH (2003), Does health promotion work in relation to noise ? 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