Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Numerical Modelling of the Acoustic Pressure Inside an Axisymmetric Lined Flow Duct Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Acoustics Rocznik 2012 Wolumin vol. 37 Numer No 2 Autorzy Taktak, Mohamed ; Majdoub, Mohamed ; Bentahar, Mabrouk ; Haddar, Mohamed Słowa kluczowe lined duct ; mean flow ; finite element method ; axisymmetric duct Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 151-160 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics Data 2012 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10168-012-0021-8 ; ISSN 0137-5075 ; eISSN 2300-262X Źródło Archives of Acoustics; 2012; vol. 37; No 2; 151-160 Referencje Bi W. (2003), Sound propagation in non-uniform lined duct by the multimodal method, null, 3229. ; Bi W. (2006), Modelling of sound propagation in non-uniform lined duct using a Multi-Modal Propagation Method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 289, 1091, ; Chang Y. (2010), Optimization of multi-chamber mufflers with reverse - flow ducts by algorithm of simulated annealing, Archives of Acoustics, 35, 1, 13, ; Chiu M. (2009), Simulated annealing optimization on multi-chamber mufflers hybridized with perforated plug - inlet space constraints, Archives of Acoustics, 34, 3, 305. ; Dhatt G. (1989), Presentation of the finite elements method. ; Dougherty R. P. (1997), <i>A wave-splitting technique for nacelle acoustic propagation</i>, AIAA Paper 97-1652. ; Dougherty R. P. (1999), <i>A parabolic approximation for flow effects on sound propagation in non-uniform sofwall ducts</i>, AIAA Paper 99-1822. ; Dykas S. (2010), Numerical method for modeling of acoustic waves propagation, Archives of Acoustics, 35, 1, 35, ; Elnady T. (2004), <i>Modeling and characterization of perforates in lined ducts and mufflers</i>, Ph.D. Thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology. ; Jones M. G., Watson W. R., Parrott T. L. (2005), <i>Benchmark data for evaluation of aeroacoustic propagation codes with grazing flow</i>, AIAA paper 2005-2853. ; Lan J. H., Bread C. (2005), <i>Validation of 3D acoustic propagation code with analytical and experimental results</i>, AIAA Paper 2005-2901. ; Lapka W. (2009), Insertion Loss of Spiral Ducts - Measurements and Computations, Archives of Acoustics, 34, 4, 537. ; Leroux M. (2003), Acoustical propagation in lined duct with flow. Numerical simulations and measurements, null, 3255. ; Lesueur L. (1988), Rayonnement acoustique des structures: Vibroacoustique et Interactions Fluide structure. ; Lin W. (1998), A least-squares spectral element method for sound propagation in acoustic ducts, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 104, 5, 3111, ; McAlpine A. (2003), On the prediction of "buzz-saw" noise in acoustically lined aero-engine inlet ducts, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 265, 175, ; Meissner M. (2010), Effect of cross-sectional area discontinuities in closed hard-walled ducts on frequency of longitudinal modes, Archives of Acoustics, 35, 3, 421, ; Nark D. M., Farassat F., Pope D. S., Vatsa V. (2003), <i>The development of the ducted fan noise propagation and radiation code CDUCT-LaRc</i>, AIAA Paper 2003-3242. ; Nark D. M., Watson W. R., Jones M. G. (2005), <i>An investigation of two acoustic propagation codes for three dimensional geometries</i>, AIAA Paper 2005-3022. ; Nark D. M., Watson W., Jones M. (2006), <i>Further Investigation of two acoustic propagation codes for three-dimensional geometries</i>, AIAA Paper 2006-2586. ; Özyörük Y. (2004), Frequency domain prediction of turbofan noise radiation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 270, 933, ; özyörük Y. (1996), Computational of sound radiating from engine inlets, AIAA Journal, 34, 5, 894, ; Peat K. (1995), Finite element analysis of the convected acoustic wave motion in dissipative silencers, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 184, 3, 529, ; Reddy J. (1993), An Introduction to Finite Element Methods. ; Reichert R. S., Biringen S. (1997), <i>Time domain simulation of acoustic propagation in a lined duct</i>, AIAA Paper 97-1650. ; Sbardella L. (2001), A time-domain method for prediction of sound attenuation in lined duct, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 239, 3, 379, ; Stanescu D. (1999), Multidomain spectral computation of sound radiation from ducted fans, AIAA Journal, 37, 3, 296, ; Taktak M. (2011), Numerical modeling of the acoustic propagation in a three dimensional wave guides in the presence of flow, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 97, 3, 453, ; Watson W. R., Jones M. G. (2006), <i>Comparison of a convected Helmholtz and Euler model for impedance eduction in flow</i>, AIAA Paper 2006-2643. ; Watson W. R., Jones M. G., Parrott T. L. (2005), <i>A quasi-3D Theory for impedance eduction in uniform flows</i>, AIAA Paper 2005-2848. ; Watson W. (1996), A finite element propagation model for extracting normal incidence impedance in nonprogressive acoustic wave fields, Journal of Computational Physics, 125, 1, 177,