Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Metrological Properties of the Test Setup for Determination Shielding Effectiveness of the Industrial Cable Connectors Tytuł czasopisma International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 63 Numer No 1 Autorzy Kopka, Ryszard ; Tarczyński, Wiesław ; Pluta, Sławomir Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/eletel-2017-0002 ; eISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013) ; ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012) Źródło International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2017; vol. 63; No 1 Referencje Zhang (2011), Measurement of the shielding effectiveness of connector by improved triaxial method inProgress In Electromagnetics Research PIERS September Suzhou China pp, Symposium, 12, 1334. ; Wiȩckowski (2006), Methods for evaluating the shielding effectiveness of textiles FIBRES & TEXTILES in vol no pp, Eastern Europe, 14, 18. ; Tarczyński (2006), Pulse method measurements for determination of line fault location Archives of vol no pp, Electrical Engineering, 301. ; Hoeft (1988), Measured electromagnetic shielding performance of commonly used cables and connectors Transactions on vol no pp, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility, 30, 260, ; Nowosielski (2012), Coaxial cables shielding efficiency measuring methodology inProgress In Electromagnetics Research PIERS KL Malaysia pp, Symposium, 27. ; LVI (2007), Mutual interaction of pulses in three conductor coupled lines Archives of vol no pp, Electrical Engineering, 79. ; Kleine (2007), Ostmann A new shielding effectiveness measurement method based on a skin effect transmission line coupler Advances in Radio no pp, Science, 5, 37.