Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Optimal robust stabilizer design based on UPFC for interconnected power systems considering time delay Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 66 Numer No 3 September Autorzy Hamid Reza Koofigar ; Ghader Isazadeh Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aee-2017-0034 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2017; vol. 66; No 3 September Referencje Heniche (2002), Control loops selection to damp inter area oscillations of electrical networks Transaction on Power vol no pp, IEEE Systems, 26, 378. ; Ghahinet (1995), Control User Guide, null, 27. ; Dong (2002), new control strategy for the unified power flow controller Proceedings of Meeting, IEEE, 17, 562. ; MATLAB (2008), toolbox, null, 21. ; Pal (2002), Robust damping of inter area oscillations with unified power flow controller Transmission and Distribution vol no pp, Proceedings Generation, 149. ; Hemmati (2016), Optimal adaptive controller based on STATCOM of Technology vol no pp, Journal Electrical Engineering, 11, 1057. ; Khan (2006), Hybrid GA neuro - fuzzy damping control system for UPFC for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering vol no pp, COMPEL The international journal, 25, 841. ; Kundur (1994), System Stability Control New York, Power, 1. ; Marjanain (2013), Designing of a TEF - based neuro - fuzzy controller for IPFC to improve the transient stability International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems vol no pp, null, 818. ; Boyd (1994), Linear in System and Control Theory Philadelphia, Matrix Inequalities SIAM, 20. ; Xu (2007), On equivalence and efficiency of certain stability criteria for time - delay systems IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control vol no pp, null, 23, 52. ; Wu (2004), Evaluation of time delay effects to wide area power system stabilizer design Transaction on Power vol no pp, IEEE Systems, 16, 1935. ; Ma (2000), robust UPFC damping control scheme using PI and ANN based adaptive controllers for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering vol no pp, COMPEL The international journal, 19, 878. ; Yao (2011), - dependent stability analysis of the power system with a wide - area damping controller embedded on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Power Systems, 22, 26. ; Zhang (2008), Design of wide - area damping controllers for inter area oscillations on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Power Systems, 14, 1136. ; Hingorani (2000), Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems New York, IEEE. ; Zhang (2013), - dependent robust load frequency control for time delay power systems on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Power Systems, 15, 2192. ; IGMC (2012), planning group planning study in IRAN national power grid in, null, 28. ; Wu (2004), Delay - dependent criteria for robust stability to time - varying delay systems vol no pp, Automatica, 24, 1435. ; Gahinet (1994), linear matrix inequality approach to control of Robust Nonlinear Control vol no pp, International Journal, 19, 421. ; Jiang (2012), - dependent stability for load frequency control with constant and time - varying delays on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Power Systems, 25, 932. ; Thukaram (2005), Improvement of system security with unified power flow controller at suitable locations under network contingencies of interconnected systems Transmission and Distribution vol no pp, Proceedings Generation, 29, 151. ; Majumder (2005), LMI approach to normalized loop - shaping design of power system damping controllers Transmission and Distribution vol no pp, Proceedings Generation, 11, 152. ; Scherer (1997), Multi objective output feedback control via LMI optimization IEEE Transactions on Automation Control vol no pp, null, 12, 896. ; Farsangi (2003), Multi - objective design of damping controllers of FACTS devices via mixed with regional pole placement of Electrical Systems no pp, International Journal Power Energy, 13, 339. ; Zhou (1995), Robust Optimal New Jersey, Control, 18. ; Padiyar (2005), Coordinated design and performance evaluation of UPFC supplementary modulation controllers of Electrical Systems vol no pp, International Journal Power Energy, 27, 101.