Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Tribological Response of Heat Treated AISI 52100 Steels Against Steel and Ceramic Counterparts Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Foundry Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 17 Numer No 3 Autorzy Türedi, E. ; Yilmaz, M. ; Senol, V. Słowa kluczowe Wear resistant alloys ; Bearing steel ; Tribology ; Microscopy ; Characterization Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/afe-2017-0119 ; eISSN 2299-2944 Źródło Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2017; vol. 17; No 3 Referencje Chattopadhyay (1982), Kinetics of pearlite spheroidisation during static annealing and during hot deformation, Acta Metallurgica, 30, 157, ; Polonsky (1995), On white etching band formation in rolling bearings of the and of, Journal Mechanics Physics Solids, 637, ; Bhadeshia (2010), Mechanical bearings University of Technical report, null. ; Türedi (2016), Direct Profilometric Measurement of Wear Volumes using Optical Microscope in Cast Iron Alloys After Dry Sliding Test In st International Mediterranean and Congress Turkey University in, Science Engineering October, 12, 1. ; Tabor (1951), The Hardness of Metals, null, 13. ; Wang (1990), Influence of isothermal hardening on the sliding wear behaviour of bearing steel, Tribology International, 23. ; Zaretsky (2012), Bearing Steels Technical Historical Perspective OH NASA Research Center Technical Report NASA, null. ; Türedi (2016), novel approach in determining wear volume : precise optical profilometric measurement with limited depth of field in light microscopy In st International Mediterranean and Congress Turkey Cukurova University in, Science Engineering October, 11, 1. ; Bhadeshia (2012), for bearings in, Steels Progress Materials Science, 268, ; Türedi (null), The Effect of Heat Treatment on Tribological Behavior of Steels under Dry Sliding Condition In thInternational Conference of Engineering Against Failure IV University of, null, 2015. ; Verhoeven (2005), Metallurgy of Steel for Bladesmiths Others who Heat Treat and Forge Steel Iowa State University Retrieved from archive orghttps tinyurl com glz, null, 264. ; Polat (2013), of Heat Treated Steels Materials Testing, Wear Behaviour, 290. ; Paland (1982), Fretting corrosion in rolling bearings cause and avoidance INA Bearing Comp Ltd Technical Report, null, 15. ; Gahr (1987), Zum Microstructure of Materials Amsterdam, Wear Science, 14.