Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Sonification: Review of Auditory Display Solutions in Electronic Travel Aids for the Blind Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Acoustics Rocznik 2016 Wolumin vol. 41 Numer No 3 Autorzy Bujacz, Michał ; Strumiłło, Paweł Słowa kluczowe Sonification ; auditory display ; electronic travel aids ; visual impairment ; blindness ; assistive technologies Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 401-414 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics Data 2016 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aoa-2016-0040 ; ISSN 0137-5075 ; eISSN 2300-262X Źródło Archives of Acoustics; 2016; vol. 41; No 3; 401-414 Referencje Meijer (1992), An experimental system for auditory image representations on, IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering, 39, 112, ; Bujacz (2012), Naviton - a prototype mobility aid for auditory presentation of scenes of, Journal Audio Engineering Society, 60, 696. ; Dakopoulos (2010), Wearable obstacle avoidance electronic travel aids for blind : a survey Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics - art C : Applications and Reviews, IEEE, 40, 25. ; Visell (2009), Tactile sensory substitution : models for enaction in HCI Interacting with, Computers, 21, 38. ; Maidenbaum (2014), Sensory substitution : Closing the gap between basic research and widespread practical visual rehabilitation and, Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews, 14, 15. ; Ostrowski (2011), A wearable stereo - vision unit in an electronic travel - aid system for the visually impaired Image Processing and Communications Challenges Advances in Intelligent and Soft, Computing, 102, 191198. ; Dobrucki (2010), laskota Measurement system for personalized head - related transfer functions and its verification by virtual source localization trials with visually impaired and sighted individuals of, Journal Audio Engineering Society, 58, 724. ; Merabet (2009), Functional recruitment of visual cortex for sound encoded object identification in the blind, Neuroreport, 20, 132, ; Maidenbaum (2014), The EyeCane a new electronic travel aid for the blind : technology behavior & swift learning and, Restorative Neurology Neuroscience, 32, 813. ; Balakrishnan (2006), A stereo image processing system for visually impaired of Signal, International Journal Processing, 2, 136. ; Milios (2003), Sonification of range information for D space perception Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation, IEEE Engineering, 11, 416. ; Lokki (2003), Creating interactive virtual auditory environments Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 22, 49. ; Kay (1964), An ultrasonic sensing probe as a mobility aid for the blind, Ultrasonics, 2, 53, ; Szczypiński (2010), Implementation of computer vision algorithms in Direct Show technology Image Processing and Communications Challenges Advances in Intelligent and Soft, Computing, 8, 31. ; Capp (2000), The optophone : an electronic blind aid and, Engineering Science Education Journal, 9, 37, ; Csapo (2013), Overview of auditory representations in human - machine interfaces, ACM Computing Surveys, 46, 1, ; Fontana (2002), A Cross - Modal Electronic Travel Aid Device Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices Notes in Computer Volume pp, Lecture Science, 393. ; Sainarayanan (2007), Fuzzy image processing scheme for autonomous navigation of human blind, Applied Soft Computing, 7, 257, ; Dewhurst (2010), Creating and Accessing AudioTactile Images with HFVE Vision Substitution Software in of the rd Interactive Sonification Workshop pp KTH Stockholm, Proc, 101. ; Edwards (2011), Auditory in Assistive Technology in The Sonification Handbook Logos Publishing House Berlin pp, Display, 431. ; Levy (2012), Fast accurate reaching movements with a visual - to - auditory sensory substitution device and, Restorative Neurology Neuroscience, 30, 313. ; Shoval (1998), Auditory guidance with the navbelt - a computerized travel aid for the blind IEEE Transactions on Systems , Man and, Cybernetics, 28, 459. ; Kay (1974), A sonar aid to enhance spatial perception of the blind : engineering design and evaluation Radio and Electronic, Engineering, 44, 605.