Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Evidence for the Dual Role of Floral Secretory Cells in Bulbophyllum Tytuł czasopisma Acta Biologica Cracoviensia s. Botanica Rocznik 2016 Wolumin vol. 58 Numer No 2 Autorzy Stpiczyńska, Małgorzata ; Davies, Kevin L. Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Biological Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Cracow Branch Data 2016 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/abcsb-2016-0013 ; ISSN 0001-5296 ; eISSN 1898-0295 Źródło Acta Biologica Cracoviensia s. Botanica; 2016; vol. 58; No 2 Referencje FlachA (2004), The chemistry of pollination in selected Brazilian Maxillariinae orchids : floral rewards and fragrance of, Journal Chemical Ecology, 30, 1045, ; VogelS (1990), The role of scent glands in pollination Institution, Smithsonian USA. ; SanguinettiA (2012), FerreiraM de A Floral features pollinators and breeding system ofChloraea membranaceaLindl of, Annals Botany, 8, 110. ; StpiczyńskaM (2015), Diverse labellar secretions in AfricanBulbophyllum sectionsPtiloglossum OreonastesandMegaclinium the, Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 179. ; BurriezaHP (2014), Analogous reserve distribution and tissue characteristics in quinoa and grass seeds suggest convergent evolution in, Frontiers Plant Science, ; ReynoldsES (1963), The use of lead citrate at high pH as an electron - opaque stain for electron microscopy of, Journal Cell Biology, 17, 208, ; ReyesFC (2011), Delivery of prolamins to the protein storage vacuole in maize aleurone cells The, Plant Cell, 23, 769, ; FisherDB (1968), Protein staining of ribboned epon sections for light microscopy, Histochemie, 16, 92, ; DaviesKL (2009), Comparative histology of floral elaiophores in the orchidsRudolfiella picta Maxillariinaesensu lato ) andOncidium ornithorhynchumH lato of, Annals Botany, 104. ; DaviesKL (2003), TurnerMP and GreggA Lipoidal labellar secretions inMaxillariaRuiz of, Annals Botany, 91, 439, ; BragaP (1977), Aspectos biologicos das Orchidaceae da Amazônica Central Amazonica, Acta, 7, 1. ; KowalkowskaAK (2015), and Morphological histological and ultrastructural features of osmophores and nectary ofBulbophyllum wendlandianum sectionCirrhopetalumLindl Bulbophyllinae Schltr and, Plant Systematics Evolution, 301. ; PridgeonAM (2014), Genera OrchidacearumVolume Part University UK pp, Oxford, 6. ; BasshamDC (2002), Golgi - independent trafficking of macro - molecules to the plant vacuole in, Advances Botanical Research, 38. ; PáduaTeixeiraS (2004), de Lip anatomy and its implications for the pollination mechanisms ofBulbophyllumspecies of, Annals Botany, 93, 499, ; CurryKJ (1991), Osmophores floral features and systematics ofStanhopea of, American Journal Botany, 5, 78. ; DaviesKL (2014), Comparative anatomy of floral elaiophores inVitekorchisRomowicz CyrtochilumKunth and a florally dimorphic species ofOncidiumSw of, Annals Botany, 113. ; PridgeonAM (1983), Ultrastructure of osmophores inRestrepia of, American Journal Botany, 8, 1233, ; NunesELP (2015), Comparative floral micromorphology and anatomy of species ofBulbophyllumsectionNapelli a Neotropical section widely distributed in forest habitats the, Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 177. ; DaviesKL (2004), Morphology of floral papillae inMaxillariaRuiz of, Annals Botany, 93, 75, ; MeloMC (2010), Morphological and histological characterization of the osmophores and nectaries of four species ofAcianthera and, Plant Systematics Evolution, 286. ; OngPT (2012), Three species ofBulbophyllumSectionRacemosaepollinated byDrosophilaflies Orchid, Malesian Journal, 9. ; DaviesKL (2014), Labellar anatomy and secretion inBulbophyllumThouars sect & of, Annals Botany, 114, 889. ; AntońS (2012), Comparative structure of the osmophores in the flower ofStanhopea graveolensLindley andCycnoches chlorochilonKlotzsch, Acta Agrobotanica, 65, 11, ; HermanEM (1999), Protein storage bodies and vacuoles The, Plant Cell, 11, 601, ; PridgeonAM (1985), Osmophores ofScaphosepalum, Botanical Gazette, 146. ; JiangL (2001), Compartmentation of proteins in the protein storage vacuole : a compound organelle in plant cells in, Advances Botanical Research, 35. ; NunesELP (2014), What do floral anatomy and micromorphology tell us about NeotropicalBulbophyllumsectionDidactyle the, Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 175.