Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Identification of Acoustic Emission Signals Originating from the Core Magnetization of Power Oil Transformer Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Acoustics Rocznik 2016 Wolumin vol. 41 Numer No 4 Autorzy Witos, Franciszek ; Olszewska, Aneta Słowa kluczowe power oil transformers ; magnetization of transformers cores ; magnetoacoustic emission Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 799-812 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics Data 2016 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aoa-2016-0077 ; ISSN 0137-5075 ; eISSN 2300-262X Źródło Archives of Acoustics; 2016; vol. 41; No 4; 799-812 Referencje GuyotM (1993), The magneto - acoustic emission, Appl Phys, 10, 73. ; AugustyniakB (1999), Correlation between acoustic emission and magnetic and mechanical Barkhausen effects of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal, 196. ; HowellsE (1978), Detection of Partial Discharges in Transformers Using Acoustic Emission Techniques on Power Apparat and Systems PAS, IEEE Trans, 5, 97. ; WitosF (2013), Testing of partial discharges and location of their sources in generator coil bars by means of acoustic emission and electric methods in Acoustic emission research and applications pp, InTech, 117. ; OlszewskaA (2012), Location of partial discharge sources and analysis of signals in chosen power oil transformers by means of acoustic emission method A, Acta Physica Polonica, 122.