Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu A new algebraic LQR weight selection algorithm for tracking control of 2 DoF torsion system Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 66 Numer No 1 March Autorzy Vinodh, Kumar Elumalai ; Subramanian, Raaja Ganapathy Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aee-2017-0005 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2017; vol. 66; No 1 March Referencje Fonseca Neto (2010), da da Neural - Genetic Synthesis for State - Space Controllers Based on Linear Quadratic Regulator Design for Eigenstructure Assignment IEEE Transactions on Systems , Man : Cybernetics vol no pp, and Cybernetics Part B, 40, 266, ; Khalil (2014), High gain observers in nonlinear feedback control of Robust and Nonlinear Control vol no pp, International Journal, 24, 993. ; Choi (1999), LQR Design with Eigenstructure Assignment Capability Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic System vol no pp, IEEE, 35, 700. ; Oral (2010), A novel method on selection of Q And R matrices in the theory of optimal control of Systems Control vol no pp, International Journal, 1, 84. ; Das (2013), LQR based improved discrete PID controller design via optimum selection of weighting matrices using fractional order integral performance index Modelling vol no pp, Applied Mathematical, 37, 4253. ; Panda (2008), Comparison of particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for FACTS - based controller design vol no pp, Applied Soft Computing, 8, 1418, ; Bevilacqua (2011), Development and experimentation of LQR / APF guidance and control for autonomous proximity maneuvers of multiple spacecraft vol no pp, Acta Astronautica, 68, 1260, ; Sunar (1993), Optimal Selection of Weighting Matrices in Integrated Design of Structures / Controls vol no pp, AIAA Journal, 31, 714, ; Ohta (1991), Use of Negative Weights in Linear Quadratic Regulator Synthesis of Guidance Control and Dynamics vol no pp, Journal, 14, 791. ; Balandat (2012), On infinite horizon switched LQR problems with state and control constraints Systems & vol no pp, Control Letters, 61, 464, ; Liu (2013), Robust LQR Attitude Control of a - DoF Laboratory Helicopter for Aggressive Maneuvers on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Industrial Electronics, 60, 4627, ; Tao (2010), Design of a parallel distributed fuzzy LQR controller for the twin rotor multi - input multi - output system Sets and Systems vol no pp, Fuzzy, 15, 161. ; Vinodh (2014), An Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Robust Trajectory Tracking of a Class of Under Actuated System of vol no pp, Archives Electrical Engineering, 63, 345, ; Niknezhadi (2011), Design and implementation of LQR / LQG strategies for oxygen stoichiometry control in PEM fuel cells based systems vol no pp, Journal of Power Sources, 9, 196. ; Tsai (2013), Variable feedback gain control design based on particle swarm optimizer for automatic fighter tracking problems vol no pp, Applied Soft Computing, 13, 58, ; Ang (2002), Weighted Energy Linear Quadratic Regulator Vibration Control of Piezoelectric Composite Plates Materials and Structures vol no pp, Smart, 11, 98. ; Wang (2014), MBPOA - based LQR controller and its application to the double - parallel inverted pendulum system Applications of Artificial Intelligence vol pp, Engineering, 36, 262.