Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Influence of output conductance on characteristic frequencies of switch mode BUCK and BOOST converter Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 66 Numer No 1 March Autorzy Janke, Włodzimierz ; Walczak, Marcin Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aee-2017-0012 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2017; vol. 66; No 1 March Referencje Reatti (2003), Small - signal model for PWM converter for the discontinuous conduction mode and its application for the boost converter Circuits vol no pp, IEEE Trans Syst, 50. ; Tajuddin (2009), Small - signal AC modeling Technique of Buck Converter with DSP Based Proportional - Integral - Derivative Controller IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, October. ; Janke (2012), Averaged Models of Pulse - Modulated DC - DC Converters Part Discussion of standard methods of vol no pp, Archives Electrical Engineering, 61. ; Czarkowski (1993), Energy - conservation approach to modeling PWM dc - dc converters Trans Aerospace and vol pp, IEEE Electron Syst, 29. ; Bryant (2007), Voltage - loop power - stage transfer functions with MOSFET delay for boost PWM converter operating in CCM Industrial vol pp, IEEE Trans Electron, 54. ; Janke (2016), Characteristic Frequencies in Averaged Description of Step - Down DC Power Converter of vol No pp, Archives Electrical Engineering, 65. ; Janke (2012), Averaged Models of Pulse - Modulated DC - DC Converters Part II Models Based on the Separation of Variables of vol no pp, Archives Electrical Engineering, 61. ; Erickson (2002), Fundamentals of Power nd Edition, Electronics.