Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Competitive Nucleation in Grey Cast Irons Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Foundry Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 17 Numer No 4 Autorzy N. Arab Słowa kluczowe Cast iron ; Nucleation ; Undercooling ; Cooling curve ; Grain refining Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/afe-2017-0155 ; eISSN 2299-2944 Źródło Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2017; vol. 17; No 4 Referencje Elliot (1983), Solidification Processing and Co Ltd London, null, 12. ; Basutkar (null), Yew Effect of Certain Additions to the Melt on the As - Cast Dendritic Microstructure of Gray Cast Iron, null, 15, 77. ; Clybe (1981), Redistribution during Solidification with Rapid Solid State Diffusion Met, null, 16. ; Glover (1992), The Relationships Among Carbon Equivalent Microstructure and Solidification Characteristics and Their Effects on Strength and Chill in Grey Cast Iron, Trans, 18. ; Sweden (1976), The nucleation of Graphite From Liquid Iron phenomenological Approach The British, null, 69. ; Elliott (1988), Cast Iron Technology Co Ltd, null. ; Turnbull (1949), of, Journal Chemical Physics, 17, 71. ; Minkoff (1983), The Physical Metallurgy of Cast New York Ltd, null, 1. ; Ruff (1976), Control of Graphite Structure and its Effects on Mechanical Properties of Gray Iron, null. ; Stefanescu (1990), Heat Transfer - Solidification Kinetics Modeling of Solidification of Castings, Metallurgical Transactions, 21. ; Merchant (1961), Inoculation Influence on Gray Iron Structure at Various Carbon Transactions, null, 69. ; Stefanescu (2009), of Casting Solidification, Science Engineering, 11. ; Oldfield (1966), Quantitative Approach to Casting Solidification : Freezing of Cast Iron Transactions of, null, 13, 59. ; Goettsch (1991), Modelling the Microstructure in Iron Castings Uni Of Illinois, Development Thesis. ; Thorgrimsson (1987), Solidification Process of Flake Cast Iron Castings In Editor Solidification Processing Institute of Metals, null, 14.