Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Al-0.80Mg-0.85Si-0.3Zr Alloy Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Foundry Engineering Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 17 Numer No 4 Autorzy Kahrıman, F. ; Zeren, M. Słowa kluczowe mechanical properties ; solidification process ; heat treatment ; Metallography ; Microstructure Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/afe-2017-0133 ; eISSN 2299-2944 Źródło Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2017; vol. 17; No 4 Referencje Liu (null), analyses of static and dynamic precipitation of an Cu aluminum alloy Materials International, Prog Nat Sci, 20, 2015, ; Mrówka (2007), phase particles in aluminum alloy of and, Archives Materials Science Engineering, 12, 6082. ; Poková (2014), Study of twin - roll cast Aluminium alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal channel angular pressing conference, Ser Mater Sci Eng, 11, 1. ; Røyset (2005), Scandium in Aluminium Alloys, Int Mater Rev, 22, 19, ; Cerri (2005), Influence of severe plastic deformation on aging of alloys, Metal Science Engineering, 410. ; Mukhopadhyay (2012), Alloy Designation Processing Use of xxx Series Aluminum Alloys International Scholarly Research Network Metallurgy http dx org, null, 21, 1, ; Venkateswarlu (2004), Microstructure tensile strength of alloy and, wear behaviour Materials Science Engineering, 383, ; Qingchun (2011), Effect of Scandium and Zirconium combination alloying on as - cast microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu Mg Alloy, China Foundry, 4, 1. ; Edwards (1998), The precipitation sequence in alloys, Acta Mater, 15, 11, ; Meng (2013), Effect of minor Zr and on microstructures and mechanical properties of alloys Nonferrous Met China, Trans Soc, 23, 1882, ; Mrówka (2005), Influnce of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys of Processing, Journal Materials Technology, 13, 6005, ; Lityñska (2006), ras study of precipitates in an alloy of Microscopy, Journal, 223. ; Murayama (2001), The effect of Cu Additions on the precipitation kinetics in an Si alloy with excess Metal, Mater Trans, 16, 239, ; Jia (2016), in Aluminum Alloys, Review Acta Metall Sin Engl, 29, 105, ; Fan (2012), Precipitation Strengthening of Aluminum by Transition Metal Aluminides of Thesis Polytechnic Institute, Science, 19. ; Demir (2009), The effects of aging on machinability of aluminium alloy Materials and Design, null, 17, 6061, ; Camero (2006), Effect of vanadium addition on precipitation behaviour and mechanical properties of commercial alloy, J Mater Sci, 6063. ; Fang (2010), Precipitation sequence of An Aged si Alloy, Min Metall Sect B Metall, 18, 171, ; Sharma (2016), Dry sliding wear investigation of Gr metal matrix composites by response surface methodology, J Mater Res Technol, 5, 6082, ; Gowrishankar (2014), Effect of Artificial on Strength and of Solutionized Aluminium Alloy rd World Conference on Technology September pp Kathmandu, Aging Wear Behaviour Applied Sciences Engineering Nepal, 1. ; Cabibbo (2006), TEM Study of the Combined Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation Containing Dispersoids on an Alloy, J Mater Sci, 41, 16. ; Eivani (2011), Microstructural Evolution During the Homogenization of Mg Aluminum Alloys Recent Trends in Processing and Degradation of Aluminium Alloys Prof ISBN, InTech, 14, 978, ; Kahrıman (2017), The effect of Zr on aging kinetics and properties of as - cast alloy Inter, null, 23, 6082,