Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Control of Natural Zeolite Properties by Mechanical Activation in Stirred Media Mill Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 62 Numer No 2 Autorzy Bohács, K. ; Faitli, J. ; Bokányi, L. ; Mucsi, G. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2017-0216 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2017; vol. 62; No 2 Referencje Reháková (2004), Agricultural and agrochemical uses of natural zeolite of the clinoptilolite type Solid State, Curr Opin Mater Sci, 4, 397. ; Mozgawa (2001), The relation between structure and vibrational spectra of natural zeolites, Mol Struct, 28, 596, ; Stenger (2005), Nanomilling in stirred media mills, Chem Eng Sci, 17, 4557, ; Bokányi (2014), Fundamental research on surface properties of fluorite originated from mining tails to establish a recycling technology in Üner Ipekoglu Th, Proc Int Miner Process Symp, 37, 343. ; Mucsi (2013), Mechanical activation of cement in stirred media mill, Powder Technol, 13, 235, ; Elaiopoulos (2010), Monitoring the effect of hydrothermal treatments on the structure of a natural zeolite through a combined XRD FTIR XRF SEM and - porosimetry analysis Microporous Mesoporous, Mater, 31, 134, ; Shumskaya (1999), Controlled changes in technological properties of phosphates in mechanical activation with zeolites, Min Sci, 10, 35, ; Romeis (2016), Mechanochemical aspects in wet stirred media milling, Int J Miner Process, 18, 156, ; Bilgili (2006), Nano - milling of pigment agglomerates using a wet stirred media mill : Elucidation of the kinetics and breakage mechanisms, Chem Eng Sci, 20, 149, ; Kristály (2014), Clinoptilolite Tuff at Racoş and Mateiaş Perşani Central in th ISBN, Romania Proc Int Symp Cent Mineral Conf, 21, 64. ; Perraki (2004), Mineralogical study of zeolites from Pentalofos area Greece, Appl Clay Sci, 30, 9, ; Mozgawa (2011), FT - IR studies of zeolites from different structural groups, Chemik, 27, 671. ; Gombkötő (2012), Using Lignite as Remediation Agent at Post Mineral Processing Sites in : XXVI Indian Institute of Metals New Delhi India pp isbn, Int Miner Process Congr, 8, 1629. ; Földessy (2015), Szegény gazdag ország Magyarország alig ismert stratégiai nyersanyagforrásai Természet, Világa, 11, 146. ; Azad (2014), Preparation of stable colloidal suspensions of superdisintegrants via wet stirred media milling, Particuology, 19, 76, ; Zolzaya (2011), The mechanochemical activation study of Tsagaan - tsav zeolite, Chem, 9, 98, ; Malekian (2011), Influences of clinoptilolite and surfactant - modified clinoptilolite zeolite on nitrate leaching and plant growth, Hazard Mater, 6, 185, ; Blanco Varela (2006), Characterization and pozzolanicity of zeolitic rocks from two Cuban deposits, Appl Clay Sci, 32, 149, ; Akçay (2004), Wet ball milling of zeolite HY, Powder Technol, 3, 142. ; Ramesh (2011), Advances in Agronomy Chapter Four - Zeolites and Their Potential Uses in Agriculture in pp, Agron, 7, 219, ; Knieke (2010), Nanoparticle production with stirred - media mills : Opportunities and limits, Chem Eng Technol, 16, 1401, ; Bokányi (null), The Fundamentals of Metals Recycling by Flotation or Flotation Related Methods in : Aachen, Proc XX Int Miner Proc Congr, 35. ; Misaelides (2011), Application of natural zeolites in environmental remediation : A short review Microporous Mesoporous, Mater, 5, 144. ; Zhao (1998), Characteristics of the synthetic heulandite - clinoptilolite family of zeolites Microporous Mesoporous, Mater, 25, 371, ; Elizalde (2001), Uptake of arsenite and arsenate by clinoptilolite - rich tuffs Microporous Mesoporous, Mater, 33, 277, ; Zielinski (1995), Effect of high - energy ball milling on the structural stability surface and catalytic properties of small - medium - and large - pore zeolites, Microporous Mater, 2, 123. ; Faitli (2016), Online rheological monitoring of stirred media milling http dx doi org, Powder Technol, 23. ; Rácz (2016), Application of the product related stress model for product dispersity control in dry stirred media milling, Int J Miner Process, 15, 157, ; Faitli (2015), Online Rheological Behaviour Testing of Stirred Media Milled Suspensions in th Gothenburg, Proc Eur Symp, 22, 87. ; Panias (2007), Effect of synthesis parameters on the mechanical properties of fly ash - based geopolymers Colloids Surfaces A, Physicochem Eng Asp, 29, 301, ; Elaiopoulos (2008), Mineralogical study and porosimetry measurements of zeolites from Scaloma area Greece Microporous Mesoporous, Mater, 24, 112,