Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Effect of Wetting Agent and Carbide Volume Fraction on the Wear Response of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced by WC Nanoparticles and Aluminide Particles Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 62 Numer No 2 Autorzy Lekatou, A. ; Gkikas, N. ; Karantzalis, A.E. ; Kaptay, G. ; Gacsi, Z. ; Baumli, P. ; Simon, A. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2017-0184 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2017; vol. 62; No 2 Referencje Hossein (2013), University, Engineering Sciences, 25, 75. ; Lekatou (2015), Mater Design, 65, 1121. ; Gousia (2016), Mater Eng Perform, ; Chen (2000), Am Cer Soc, 83, 3196. ; Kumar (2012), Compos Mater, 46, 2111. ; Kumar (2011), Miner Mater Character Eng, 10, 59. ; Mavros (2013), Compos Mater, 47, 2149. ; Deuis (1997), Sci Technol, 57, 415. ; Evirgen (2010), Alloy Compd, 496. ; Swamy (2011), Miner Mater Charact Eng, 10, 1141. ; Simon (2015), Arch Metall Mater, 60, 1517. ; Narasimha Murthy (2012), Mater Design, 35, 55. ; Ekka (2015), Sci Eng, 40, 571. ; Kennedy (1996), Mater Sci Forum, 217. ; Baker (1997), vol Alloy Phase Diagrams thed Materials, Intern, 9. ; Rana (2013), Scientific Research Publications, J, 1. ; Kumar Koli (2014), Procedia Mater Sci, 6, 567. ; Surrapa (1981), Mater Sci, 16, 983. ; Mahallawy (1999), Alloy Compd, 221, 29. ; Kalaiselvan (2014), Mater Design, 55, 176. ; Wan (2006), Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 16, 398. ; Wang (2009), Mater Design, 30, 78. ; Karantzalis (2010), Mater Eng Perform, 19, 585. ; Birol (2007), Alloy Compd, 440. ; Karantzalis (2010), Mater Eng Perform, 19, 1268. ; Yu (2010), Processing Routes for Aluminum based MSc Thesis Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Nano Composites. ; Lashgari (2010), Mater Design, 31, 4414. ; Juhasz (2013), Mater Sci, 48, 7679. ; Kök (2007), Mater Process Technol, 83, 301. ; Karbalaei Akbari (2015), Compos Mater, 49, 3665. ; Abdizadeh (2014), Eng, 56, 217. ; Subhranshu Chatterjee (2013), Mater Sci Forum, 36, 72. ; Georgatis (2013), Mater Eng Perform, 22, 729.