Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Electron Beam Welded Joints of High Strength S960QL and Weldox 1300 Steel Grades Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 62 Numer No 2 Autorzy Błacha, S. ; Dymek, S. ; Węglowski, M.S. ; Kopyściański, M. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2017-0092 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2017; vol. 62; No 2 Referencje Węglowski (1300), Prevention of cold cracking in ultra - high strength steel Weldox of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Archives, 14, 417. ; Węglowski (1300), Physical Simulation of Weldability of Weldox Materials, Science Forum, 762. ; Grajcar (2014), Thermodynamic analysis of precipitation processes in Nb - Ti - microalloyed Si - Al TRIP steel of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Journal, 118. ; Bach (2009), Nonvacuum electron beam welding of structural steels The Paton Welding No, Journal, 5, 22. ; Grajcar (2014), Dilatometric study of phase transformations in advanced high - strength bainitic steel of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Journal, 118. ; Elliott (1984), Electron beam welding of C Mn steels toughness and fatigue properties, Welding Journal, 63. ; Grajcar (2014), Microstructure characterization of laser - welded Nb - microalloyed silicon - aluminum TRIP steel of Materials Engineering and Performance, Journal, 23, 3400.