Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu The relationship between basal and luminal cytokeratins with histopathologic characteristics of canine mammary gland cancer Tytuł czasopisma Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Rocznik 2016 Numer No 2 Autorzy D. Eivani ; Mortazavi, P. Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences ; University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Data 2016 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/pjvs-2016-0033 ; ISSN 1505-1773 Źródło Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2016; No 2 Referencje Gama (2008), Identification of mol - ecular phenotypes in canine mammary carcinomas with clinical implications : application of the human classifica - tion, Virchows Archiv, 453. ; Gama (2004), P - cadherin expression in canine mammary tis - sues, J Comp Pathol, 130, 13, ; Santos (2013), Amorim IF , Ga rtner Identification of prognostic factors in canine mammary malignant tu - mours : a multivariable survival study, BMC Vet Res, 9, 1, ; Mohammadnejad (2012), Haghdoost IS Overexpression of her - / neu in Ma - lignant Mammary Tumors ; Translation of Clini - copathological Features from Dog to Human Asian Pac, Cancer Prev, 13, 6415. ; Santini (2002), Immunocytochemical expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in myoepithelial cells of the breast, Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 10, 29, ; Birnbaum (2004), Basal and luminal breast cancers : basic or luminous, Int J Oncol, 25, 249. ; Goldschmidt (2011), Classification and Grading of Canine Mammary Tumors, Vet Pathol, 48, 117, ; Pinho (2007), Sialyl Lewis X expression in canine malignant mammary tumours : correlation with cli - nicopathological features and E - Cadherin expression, BMC Cancer, 7, 124, ; Cassali (2014), Consensus for the Diagnosis , Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Mammary Tumors, Vet Pathol, 7, 38. ; Moll (1982), The catalog of human cytokeratins : patterns of expression in normal epithelia , tumors and cultured cells, Cell, 31, 11, ; Toniti (2009), Immunohis - tochemical Determination of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Canine Mammary Tumors Asian Pac, Cancer Prev, 10, 907. ; Gama (2010), Expression and prog - nostic significance of CK in canine malignant mam - mary tumours, Vet J, 184. ; Gu (2008), con - tributes to cell invasion and migration in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, Cancer Lett, 263. ; Gusterson (2005), Basal cytokeratins and their relationship to the cellular origin and functional classification of breast cancer Breast Can - cer Histological grading and prognosis in dogs with mammary carcinomas : application of a human grading method, Res J Comp Pathol, 7, 143. ; Ribeiro (2012), Morphological Aspects and Immunophenotypic Profiles of Mammary Carcinomas in Benign - Mixed Tu - mors of Female Dogs, Vet Med, 10, 1155. ; Queiroga (2005), Pen a Cox - levels in canine mammary tumors including inflammatory mammary carcinoma : clini - copathological features and prognostic significance An - ticancer, Res, 25, 4269.