Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Fuzzy logic in decision support system as a simple Human/Internet of Things interface for shunt active power filter Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2016 Wolumin 64 Numer No 4 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part I) Autorzy Jasiński, M. ; Majtczak, P. ; Malinowski, A. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 877-886 Data 2016 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2016-0096 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2016; 64; No 4 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part I); 877-886 Referencje Skulavik (2013), The defuzzification methods influence on fuzzy control of nuclear reactor Symposium Computational and Business Intelligence, Int, 119. ; Majtczak (2015), Shunt active power filter with fuzzy logic interface for harmonic reduction Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II, Conf, 134. ; Lee (1990), Fuzzy logic in control systems : fuzzy logic controller part II Systems Man and, IEEE Trans Cybernetics, 20, 419, ; Das (2006), A fuzzy multiobjective approach for network reconfiguration of distribution systems Delivery, IEEE Trans Power, 21, 202, ; Piasecki (2014), Design of AC - DC grid connected converter using multi - objective optimization Electrical Control and Communication, Engineering, 5, 11. ; Ufnalski (2015), Plug - in direct particle swarm repetitive controller with a reduced dimensionality of a fitness landscape a multi - swarm approach Pol, Bull Tech, 857. ; Pruski (2015), Assessment of Polish Power System angular stability based on analysis of different disturbance waveforms Pol, Bull Tech, 435. ; Timbus (2009), Evaluation of current controllers for distributed power generation systems Electronic, IEEE Trans Power, 24, 654, ; Keane (2012), State - of - the - art techniques and challenges ahead for distributed generation planning and optimization Systems, IEEE Trans Power, 28, 1493, ; Jasinski (2002), Fuzzy logic current controller for PWM rectifiers IEEE Industrial Electronics th Annual, Conf, 02, 1300. ; Qian (2015), Design of simultaneous input - shaping - based SIRMs fuzzy control for double - pendulum - type overhead cranes Pol, Bull Tech, 887. ; Witczak (2015), and A robust predictive actuator fault - tolerant control scheme for Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy systems Pol, Bull Tech, 977. ; Piasecki (2012), Robust control of grid connected AC - DC converter for disturbed generation IEEE Industrial Electronics IECON th Annual, Conf, 5840. ; Kaczorek (2015), Positive time - varying continuous - time linear systems and electrical circuits Pol, Bull Tech, 837. ; Płatek (2016), Current control with asymmetrical regular sampled pulse width modulator applied in parallel active filter Pol, Bull Tech, 287. ; Magiera (2015), A multi - level method of support for management of product flow through supply chains Pol, Bull Tech, 933. ; Piasecki (2011), Brief view on control of grid - interfacing AC DC AC converter and active filter under unbalanced and distorted voltage conditions for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic, International Journal Engineering, 30, 351. ; Jasinski (2006), Direct control for AC AC converter - fed induction motor with active filtering function, COMPEL, 25, 235, ; Kazmierkowski (2011), DSP - based control of grid - connected power converters operating under grid distortions Informatics, IEEE Trans Ind, 7, 204, ; Gorzałczany (2015), Handling fuzzy systems accuracy - interpretability trade - off by means of multi - objective evolutionary optimization methods selected problems Pol, Bull Tech, 791.