Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Open porosity of cement pastes and their gas permeability Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2016 Wolumin 64 Numer No 4 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part I) Autorzy Tracz, T. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 775-783 Data 2016 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2016-0086 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2016; 64; No 4 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part I); 775-783 Referencje Diamond (2000), Mercury porosimetry An inappropriate method for the measurement of pore size distributions in cement - based materials, Res, 30, 1517. ; Kollek (1989), The determination of the permeability of concrete to oxygen by the Cembureau method a recommendation, Mater Struct, 22, 225, ; Picandet (2011), Permeability measurement of fresh cement paste, Res, 41, 330. ; Chen (2014), Experimental study and analytical model for pore structure of hydrated cement paste, Appl Clay Sci, 101, 159. ; Atahan (2009), Effects of water - cement ratio and curing time on the critical pore width of hardened cement paste, Constr Build Mater, 23, 1196, ; Takeuchi (2008), Permeability measurements of natural and experimental volcanic materials with a simple permeameter : Toward an understanding of magmatic degassing processes, Geotherm Res, 177, 329, ; Tracz (2006), Influence of type of cement on porosity and permeability of high performance concrete th Montreal, inProc ACI Int Conf Durab, 7. ; Hager (2013), Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature, Bull Pol Tech, 61, 1. ; Winslow (1990), The pore structure of paste in concrete, Res, 20, 227. ; Zhang (2008), Damage and sealing of clay rocks detected by measurements of gas permeability, Phys Chem Earth, 33, ; Hedenblad (1997), The use of mercury intrusion porosimetry or helium porosity to predict the moisture transport properties of hardened cement paste, Adv Cem Based Mater, 6, 123, ; Chen (2016), Influence of pore structure on mechanical behavior of concrete under high strain rates, Mater Civ Eng, 28, 04015110, ; Chen (2014), Experimental study and analytical model for pore structure of hydrated cement paste, Appl Clay Sci, 101, 159, ; Gallé (2001), Effect of drying on cement - based materials pore structure as identified by mercury intrusion porosimetry, Res, 31, 1467. ; Cook (1999), Mercury porosimetry of hardened cement pastes, Res, 29, 933. ; Tracz (2013), Influence of cement type and water - cement ratio on open porosity and gas permeability of cement pastesle inUKIERI Concr Jalandhar India, Innov Concr, 461. ; Zdeb (2013), Ultra - high performance concrete properties and technology, Bull Pol Tech, 61, 183. ; Stormont (1997), Conduct and interpretation of gas permeability measurements in rock salt, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr, 34, 648. ; Nyame (1980), Capillary pore structure and permeability of hardened cement paste in th, Int Congr Chem VI, 3, 181. ; Pierre (2015), Cellulose ethers and cement paste permeability, Res, 72, 117. ; Zeng (2012), Pore structure characterization of cement pastes blended with high - volume fly - ash, Res, 42, 194. ; Baron (1992), Durablité des bétons l Association l Industrie Des Liants Hydraul, Collect Tech. ; Czarnecki (2015), Modelling of concrete carbonation ; is it a process unlimited in time and restricted in space ?, Bull Pol Tech, 63. ; Krus (1997), Porosity and liquid absorption of cement paste, Mater Struct, 30, 394, ; Tracz (2012), Effect of cement paste content and c ratio on concrete water absorption, Lime Concr, 3, 131. ; Care (2011), Determination of relevant parameters influencing gas permeability of mortars, Constr Build Mater, 25, 1248, ; Chen (2013), Influence of water - to - cement ratio and curing period on pore structure of cement mortar, Constr Build Mater, 38, 804,