Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Computational modeling of creep in complex plane for reinforced materials Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2017 Wolumin 65 Numer No 6 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part II) Autorzy Monfared, V. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 909-916 Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2017-0098 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2017; 65; No 6 (Special Section on Civil Engineering – Ongoing Technical Research. Part II); 909-916 Referencje Martin (2014), Elasticity Theory Applications and rd Academic, Edition, 13. ; Monfared (null), Rate dependent plastic deformation analysis of short fiber composites employing virtual fiber method, Comput Sci, 11, 10. ; Gaharwar (null), Elastomeric nanocomposite scaffolds made from poly ( glycerol sebacate ) chemically crosslinked with carbon nanotubes, Sci, 25, 46, ; Sankaran (2004), Probabilistic fatigue creep life prediction of composites, null, 16, 361. ; Leonardi (null), Finite element analysis for airfield asphalt pavements rutting prediction Pol, Tech, 20, 397. ; Boyle (1983), for Creep st ed Southampton UK, Stress Analysis, 23, 1. ; Monfared (null), Effects of atomic number and atomic weight on inelastic time dependent deformations, Mater, 12, 53. ; Monfared (null), micromechanical creep model for stress analysis of non - reinforced regions of short fiber composites using imaginary fiber technique, Mater, 21, 44. ; Muskhelishvili (1954), Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity th ed, null, 1. ; Milne (1960), Plane Elastic Systems st ed Verlag, null, 1. ; Green (1968), Theoretical Elasticity nd ed University, null. ; Barai (2011), micro - continuum model for the creep behavior of complex nanocrystalline materials, Int J Eng Sci, 49, 155. ; Loghman (2012), Semi - analytical solution for time - dependent creep analysis of rotating cylinders made of anisotropic exponentially graded material Solid, null, 313. ; Grote (2009), Handbook of, Mechanical Engineering, 22, 108. ; England (1971), Complex Variable in Elasticity st ed New York, Methods, 1. ; Tang (2012), Micromechanical analysis of thermoelastoplastic behavior of metal matrix composites, Int J Eng Sci, 161. ; Zbiciak (2013), Mathematical description of rheological properties of asphalt - aggregate mixes Pol, Tech, 19, 1. ; Kolosov (1909), On the application of complex function theory to a plane problem of the mathematical theory of elasticity st ed University, null, 18, 1. ; Hongyin (2002), Probabilistic analysis of creep of metal - matrix composites, null, 15, 587. ; Chen (1209), Continuum elasticity theory approach for spontaneous bending and twisting of ribbons induced by mechanical anisotropy arXiv preprint arXiv, null, 24, 3321. ; Duttaa (2000), Hui Creep rupture of a GFRP comoposite at elevated temperatures, Comput Struct, 14, 153. ; ASME (2000), Alternative derivation of Marguerre s displacement solution in plane isotropic elasticity, Appl Mech, 67. ; Pachalis (1992), Modeling of creep of misaligned short - fiber reinforced ceramic composites, Appl Mech, 17, 59.