Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Application of Duhamel's theorem in the thermal field analysis of a DC cable with two layers of insulation Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2009 Wolumin vol. 57 Numer No 1 Autorzy Gołębiowski, J. ; Zaręba, M. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 87-94 Data 2009 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0109-0 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2009; vol. 57; No 1; 87-94 Referencje HVDC and HVDC Light <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Rengel U. (2000), Energy cables 2050 - a futuristic view, IEEE Power Engineering Review, 20, 10, 18. ; Hammons T. (2003), Power cables in the twenty-first century, Electric Power Components and Systems, 31, 10, 967. ; Zaręba M. (2006), Asymptotic analysis of transient thermal field in a DC cable covered with insulation, Archives of Electrical Engineering, LV, 3-4, 325. ; Beck J. (1992), Heat Conduction Using Green's Functions. ; Taler J. (2003), Solving of Direct and Reserve Problem of Heat Conduction. ; Lehner G. (1996), Feldtheorie für Ingenieure und Physiker. ; Evans L. (2002), Partial Differential Equations. ; Bolkowski S. (2008), Circuits Theory. ; Gołębiowski J. (2006), A method of the analysis of the thermal field dynamics in the core and insulation of a DC lead with convectional heat abstraction", <i>Electrical Engineering</i> -, Archiv für Elektrotechnik, 88, 5, 453. ; Kącki E. (1992), Partial Differential Equations in Physics and Technical Problems. ; Gołębiowski J. (2002), Dynamics of threedimensional temperature field in electrical system of floor heating, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 12, 2611. ; Mochancki B. (2007), Identification of macro and micro parameters in solidification model, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech, 55, 1, 107. ; Hering M. (1980), Thermokinetics for Electrical Engineers. ; Lindemann Z. (2006), Thermo-mechanical phenomena in the process of friction welding of corundum ceramics and aluminium, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech, 54, 1, 1. ; Gradshteyn I. (1996), Table of Integrals, Series and Products. ; Erdélyi A. (1981), Higher Transcendental Functions, 1. ; Fortuna Z. (1999), Numerical Methods. ; Grzymkowski R. (2008), Mathematica 6. ; Bathe K. (1990), Finite-Elemente Methoden. ; User's Manual for NISA III, <i>Numerically Integrated Elements for Systems Analysis</i>, Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation, Troy-Michigan, 1996.