Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Negative refraction of photonic and polaritonic waves in periodic structures Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2009 Wolumin vol. 57 Numer No 1 Autorzy Kempa, K. ; Rose, A. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 35-39 Data 2009 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0102-7 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2009; vol. 57; No 1; 35-39 Referencje Veselago V. (1968), The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of ε and μ, Sov. Phys. Ups, 10, 509. ; Kosaka H. (1998), Superprism phenomena in photonic crystals, Phys. Rev, B 58. ; Pendry J. (1996), Extremely low frequency plasmons in metallic mesostructures, Phys. Rev. Lett, 76, 4773. ; Pendry J. (1999), Magnetism from conductors and enhanced nonlinear phenomena, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, 47, 2075. ; Smith D. (2000), Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity, Phys. Rev. Lett, 84, 4184. ; Smith D. (2000), Negative refractive index in left-handed materials, Phys. Rev. Lett, 85, 2933. ; Shelby R. (2001), Microwave transmission through a two-dimensional, isotropic, left-handed metamaterials, Appl. Phys. Lett, 78, 489. ; Shelby R. (2001), Experimental verification of a negative index of refraction, Science, 292, 77. ; Ziolkowski R. (2001), Wave propagation in media having negative permittivity and permeability, Phys. Rev, E 64, 056625. ; Bayindir M. (2002), Transmission properties of composite metamaterials in free space, Appl. Phys. Lett, 81, 120. ; Walser R. (2001), Comment on extremely low frequency plasmons in metallic mesostructures, Phys. Rev. Lett, 87, 119701. ; Smith D. (2002), Negative refraction of modulated electromagnetic waves, Appl. Phys. Lett, 81, 2713. ; Pendry J. (2000), Negative refraction makes a perfect lens, Phys. Rev. Lett, 85, 3966. ; Parimi P. (2004), Negative refraction and left-handed electromagnetism in microwave photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett, 92, 127401. ; Merlin R. (2004), Analytical solution of the almost-perfect-lens problem, Appl. Phys. Lett, 84, 1290. ; Smith D. (2003), Limitations on subdiffraction imaging with a negative refractive index slab, Appl. Phys. Lett, 82, 1506. ; Shvets G. (2003), Photonic approach to making a material with a negative index of refraction, Phys. Rev, B 67, 035109. ; Panina L. (2002), Optomagnetic composite medium with conducting nanoelements, Phys. Rev, B 66, 155411. ; Podolskiy V. (2003), Plasmon modes and negative refraction in metal nanowire composites, Optics Express, 11, 735. ; Notomi M. (2000), Theory of light propagation in strongly modulated photonic crystals: refractionlike behavior in the vicinity of the photonic band gap, Phys. Rev, B 62. ; Luo C. (2002), All-angle negative refraction without negative effective index, Phys. Rev, B 65. ; Luo C. (2002), All-angle negative refraction in a three-dimensionally periodic photonic crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett, 81, 2352. ; Li Z. (2003), Evaluation of lensing in photonic crystal slabs exhibiting negative refraction, Phys. Rev, B 68, 245110. ; Wang X. (2004), Unrestricted superlensing in a triangular two dimensional photonic crystal, Opt. Express, 12, 2919. ; Joannopoulos J. (1995), Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light. ; Yee K. (1966), Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell's equations, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag, 14, 302. ; Taflove A. (1995), Computational Electrodynamics-The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. ; Berenger J. (1994), A perfectly matched layer for the absorption of electromagnetic waves, J. Comput. Phys, 114, 185. ; Luo S. (2002), Allangle negative refraction without negative effective index, Phys. Rev, B 65, 201104, ; Li Z. (2003), Evaluation of lensing in photonic crystal slabs exhibiting negative refraction, Phys. Rev, B 68, 245110, ; Notomi M. (2000), Theory of light propagation in strongly modulated photonic crystals: Refractionlike behavior in the vicinity of the photonic band gap, Phys. Rev, B 62. ; Wang X. (2005), Improved superlensing in twodimensional photonic crystals with a basis, Applied Physics Letters, 86, 061105. ; Wang X. (2005), Effects of disorder on subwavelength lensing in two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 233101. ; Kempa K. (2005), Electromagnetic response of a point-dipole crystal, Phys. Rev, B 72, 205103. ; Ruppin R. (2005), Non-local optics of the near field lens, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17, 1803. ; Ruppin R. (2005), Non-local effects on the imaging properties of a silver superlens, Phys. Rev, B 72, 153105.